Russia and Mr Putin options in Afghanistan. (20/10 2021)
The Atlantis Party offer to Mr Putin to take an international active role to bring in the win-win-win-concept, into former Sovjetunionen regions can also be added with Afghanistan. Afghanistan is for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party a very attractive brandbuilding region. A huge demand of infrastructure technics will in Afghanistan be if Russia and Mr Putin are able to well manage the introduction of the win-win-win-concept. It is a for Russia and itīs population an very good option to become a good and competative supplier and partner, for the Atlantis Party brandbulding investments, all over the world.
The Pizza-gang do let Afghanistan childrens die by starvation. (3/10 2021)
The Pizza-gang has handed over the 40 million Afghanistan population into talibanism and starvation just by the reason they do understand them selves not democratic competative. By illegal keeping the humanity out of human rights, science, knowledge and information, Medeiterranean refill 3500 B.C. they also do hinder Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party to into Afghanistan bring in the win-win-win-concept and guarantee Afghanistan peace, democracy and human rights. The talibans will understand they impossible are able to challange Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party interests. What ever resistence just adds the brandbuilding value to overthrow their leadership and the talibans are smart enough not to do. They will instead eager to bring in the win-win-win-concept. The pizza-gang interests just do hinder it and do bring 40 million afghanstans into stravation and millions childrens will by starvation die just by the reason the Pizza-gang do understand them selves not democratic competative.
Afghanistan, just a matter for the Atlantis Party. (13/9 2021)
The pizza-gang representatives do statements about how to handle the talibans. Obviously just a strategy to hide the facts they are total out of mandate to do anything and have during 20 years of failours in Afghanistan humiliated left Afghanistan with an enormous armour capability handed over to the talibans. A process not able if the offered outstanding Atlantis Party authority, financial capability, a superior intellectual and political skill had been used to bring in peace, democracy and human rights into Afghanistan. An offer to the Afghanistan population rejected by the pizza-gang just because they have understood them selves not democratic competative. The Swedish government and authorities very active hinders to keep the humanity out of their right to science, knowledge and information, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C., are by the pizza-gang and international socialdemocratic fundamentalists backed up. The Atlantis Party will into Afghanistan bring in peace, democracy and human rights, but the rejected offer to the Afghanistan population do extend the process. How to do is just a matter for the Atlantis Party, the talibans and the Afghanistan population and in full accordance with the win-win-win-concept. based on the Atlantis Party 95 % global democratic mandate. Nothing the pizza-gang representatives will have any impact on. The Secretary General of NATO, Mr Jens Stoltenberg, tells that NATO will protect the Afghanistan population. Something 20 years of failour has proven they are unable to do. Their statemants, retold by establishment media, is just a strategy to hide the fact they have no mandate and no impact futher on, anywhere.
The pizza-gang is also taliban hostages. (5/9 2021)
The pizza-gang, the European leaders and Washington office with fake mandates, have no other legal mandate then order them self a pizza. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do claim a global 95 % democratic mandate if fair democratic elections. The pizza-gang did drop all democracy and human rights in the very moment they did understand them selves as not democratic competative. As hostages on the international political arena the talibans can force the pizza-gang to act as they want. The talibans canīt hinder Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party guarantee the Afghanistan population peace, democracy and human rights. The Atlantis Party also do believe the talibans are at such intellectual level and political skill that they will understand they canīt hinder the Atlantis Party positive processes and will participate. The pizza-gang ambitions to illegal preseve the fake mandates depends on how long they are able to illegal keep the humanity out of science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. . Europe and US, are as long, also for the talibans, hostages on the international political arena. During wait, talibanism and terrorism will have Europeans and US developing aid, build solid organisations and build up their armour capability. It is a huge difference for the humanity to rely on the Atlantis Party guarantee, based on an outstanding authority, outstanding credibility, an enormous financial capability and with a 95 % global democratic mandate, or to rely on the pizza-gang representatives that all are political hostages and have to accept everything in their try to hinder to be stripped for running fake mandates by illegal keeping the humanity out of science and knowledge.
Fools do foolish things. (2/9 2021)
The pizza-gang total failour in Afghanistan is based on lac of authority, lac of credibility, lame leadership based on a total lac of intellectual and political skill. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do offer the humanity everything the pizza-gang is unable to do but in their ambitions to remain in leadership do illegal keep the humanity out of science, knowledge and information, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. Just by the reason they do understand them selves not democratic competative and do understand the Atlantis Party claimed 95 % global democratic mandate is not an overestimation. The pizza-gang failour in Afghanistan has now sent 40 miljon citizens into talibanism with armour left behind to be a regional superpower. Armour, the only asset for the talibans, will be sold out to international terrorism. A situation that not have been if the pizza-gang not had hindered the humanity their human rights, access to science, knowledge and information. The pizza-gang has transformed talibanism and international terrorism to an Atlantis Party brandbuilding asset. Problems the humanity would have been without if the pizza-gang not had hindered human rights and democracy in their ambitions to preserve their illegal and fake mandates. Fools just do foolish things.
US and Afghanistan costs for preserving Swedish socialdemocratic fundamentalism. (31/8 2021)
Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have since 2019 offered a superior authority, a superior financial capability, a superior political and intellectull skill to sweep out Talibanism and terrorism out of Afghanistan. A guarantee withdrawn by the Swedish government and authorities by the illegal active hinders to keep the humanity out of science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. A strategy enjoyed by the international Pizza-gang by the reason they also do understand they are not democratic competative. 20 years of US engagement has costed US taxpayers 2 000 billion USD, 2260 US citizens killed and over 20 000 wounded in the mission that has ended with an humiliation, a withdrawel and a destruction of military aircraft, more then most nations on the globe do have. A total US waste for nothing. A US waste that had not been if the humanity have had their human rights, access to science and knowledge, needed to let Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party act as a global guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights. Added costs for US, the Afghanistan population and the humanity for preserving non-competative, non-democratic socialdemocratic fundamentalism.
Mr Biden and the pizza-gang shuold try to fool somebody else! (28/8 2021)
After a total defeat and humiliation by the talibans, it is for the pizza-gang of huge interests to, as soon as possible, build up good relations with the talibans for keeping Afghanistan out of Russian or Chineese interests. For the talibans it is essential with good relations with the pizza-gang and all billions given in development aid. Lowest interest to unite the pizza-gang and taliban interests has the IS-K with just about 3000 fighters. IS-K are blamed for the blast at Kabul airport after that Mr Biden has, for several days, pretold and trigged the very high risk for a blast. The blast at Kabul airport did happen just because Mr Biden did trigg a blast and the pizza-gang wanted it to happen. They pizza-gang, unable to hinder talibanism, are in need of a political reason to build up good relations and unite with taliban interests. Mr Biden and the pizza-gang should try to fool somebody else! Afghanistan is a total failour that would not have been if not science and knowledge illegal are withdrawn the humanity, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do have an outstanding scientific, religious and political authority. An outstanding financial capability and 95 percent of the global democratic mandate. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is in no need of the talibans and no need IS-K terrorists as a common enemy. That is just a desperate solution for Mr Biden and the pizza-gang that tries keep a leadership on a fake mandate.
1 out of 4. (22/8 2021) and added (26/8 2021) ( moved to )
Time to replace the pizza-gang. (25/8 2021) ( moved to )
International criminals. (22/8 2021) ( moved to )
Stoltenberg is a representative socialdemocratic fundamentalist. (19/8 2021) ( moved to )
20 years US-engagement for nothing. (17/8 2021)
Mr Biden has told the US population that the 20 years US engagement in Afghanistan was worth nothing. He blames the Afghanistan population for not fighting the talibans. They would have done and would have hade peace, democracy and human rights if they have had the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party as a guarantee based on a outstanding scientific, religious and political authority and an unlimeted financial capability. A guarantee withdrawn the Afghanistan population just by the reason Mr Biden do not want to strip his fake mandate.
Mr Biden fooled to a total humiliation. (15/8 2021)
There is no doubt that Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have the outstanding scientific, religious and political authority, an outstandning finacial capability and a global 95 % democratic mandate to sweep out talibanism and bring in democracy and human rights into Afghanistan. The only thing needed is a scientific verification of the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. Science and knowledge, by Mr Biden well known, but by himself hindered just by the reason a scientific verification also will strip his fake mandate. Mr Biden is fooled to withdraw US-troups and by that also let the Talibans and terrorist interests, that caused the US nine-eleven trauma, win the battle. An US and Biden humiliation only explainable by that Mr Biden has being fooled to total undermine his preseidental authority. The only political solution left for Mr Biden is to blame the main responsible for keeping the humanity out of the human rights, access to science and knowledge, the Swedish government and authories. Active and illegal hinders just by the reason the Swedish socialdemocratic fundamentalist, also in Europe, are not democratic competative. Almost 40 million Afghanistans will be set under Talibanism just by the reason Mr Biden runs a fake mandate and the European socialdemocratic fundamentalists know they are not democratic competative when the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. is verified and common known.
Unsolved conflicts gives more brandbuilding value. (16/20 2020)
Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do not understand why it still not is understood that as more complex, unsolvable and extended conflicts are, as higher brandbuilding value it is for the Atlantis Party to step in, bring in the win-win-win-concept, and solve the problems. There are no local leader, national leadership or international interests that has the capability to hinder it. It is an Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party interest to maximize human values, an interest common with the humanity, and represents at least a 95 % global democratic mandate. To be blamed for hindering it is the establishment, that based on socialdemocratic fundamentalism, do everything possible to hinder the humanity their human right for access to science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. What ever try or ambition to hinder an Atlantis Party implant of the win-win-win-concept into Afghanistan must depend on just a lac of knowledge and information. Meanwhile, for all extended conflicts and human suffering, the establishment and especially the European establishment will be blamed. The international political arene is very simplified. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have hard to understand that the very distinct message and the very simplified political arene, among some interests, still not is understood.
Afghanistan is no big deal. (24/3 2020)
US Mr Pompeo has failed in the ambitiones to make the two individuals, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdulla, to agree about the leadership. For Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, that is no big deal. An Afghanistan Atlantis Party representative will in Afghanistan win a 95 percent democratic mandate what ever candidate selected. If US and Mr Pompeo not can make the two combatants to agree they will be offered an Atlantis Party candidate that will replace both combatants political mandate and positions. Thats for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party no big deal.
Washington administration wins political revenue. (22/2 2020)
Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have in Afganistan seen a lot of non-democratic ambitions. Non-democratic interest that will terrorize the Aghanistan population. Terrorism with high brandbuilding value by vanishing them. Now the Washington adminstration and the Talibans are making progresses to end the 18-year long war, starts a peaceprocess and seems to kill the Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party brandbuilding opportunities. That is in full accordance with the win-win-win-concept, The win-win-win-concept do include governmental political revenue in the mission to maximize human values by using the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party outstanding scientific, religious and political authority. We do welcome more nations to enjoy the new era when science and intellectual skill do set the international political agenda and military strenght do not longer matter.
UN-Guterres has fake concerns about the childrens in Afghanistan. (5/10 2019)
UN-Guterres non ending stupid statements proves UN as a waist of money. Now he tells about his concerns for the raising number of killed and wounded childrens in Afghanistan. The problem with his statement is that he and UN do hinder Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party to ruin the terrorist leaders their religious and political authority. Mr Guterras concern are fake concerns just in the purpose and try to keep UN as an international organisation. UN is a waist of money and will be replaced by the UH, United Humanity, runned by global topscience in the mission to maximize human values.
The al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahri brandbuilding statement. (12/9 2019)
The al-Qaedaleader Ayman al-Zawahri has stated al-Qaida will make terrorist-attacks on US, Europe, Israel and Russia. He has by that statement very much raised brandbuilding value for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis party, by vanishing him and al-Qaeda from earth. Mr al-Zawahris authority is based on Islamic extremism. The Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. is essential and also the origin for Islam and has to be adopted into the religion. The authority to make huge impact to Islam will be used to dismantle Islamic extremists and identify itīs financial supporters. It will take just a few weeks for al-Qaeda-members to understand there is no future in their mission and they will do everything to verify them selves as not an al-Qaeda-members. Mr al-Zawahri and al-Qaida are easy targets for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. With his terrorism statement he just did raise the brandbuilding value and marketinterest to vanish him and his terrorism-organisation.
The Talibans do reject negotiations with US. (10/9 2019)
The Talibans have in Afghanistan rejected negotiations with US. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do not negotiate with anybody that has not accepted to be representative for the win-win-win-concept. If a government has ambition to not maximize the value for the population is then also is in conflict with Global Scientific Authority brandbuilding and the Atlantis Party interest to maximize human values.
The Taliban movement do rely and has itīs origin on religion. Their problem is that Global Scientific Authority owns the scientific origion to all their religious base. That also means that Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is able to ruin all religious leadership authority and marginalize their political credibility.
The peace-negotiations with US would not have failed and been stoped if the Talibans had accepted and enjoyed the win-win-win-concept. The process to ruin the Taliban religiuos leadership has started. Their non-democratic ambitions will end both with ruined religious authority and also with a drained financial cabability. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party has the tools and will use them.
Carl Festin