Armenia and Azerbaijan governments into the Atlantis Party win-win-win-concept. (8/10 2020).
Mr Putin will now convince the Armenian and Azerbaijan governments to implant the win-win-win-concept into their countries. All political interest in the region prefers that the nations governments voluntary implants the win-win-win-concept without an Atlantis Party step in and a political take over. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party role in the concept is to be a guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights and due to that also prefers that governments and the populations are able to solve that, all by them selves, based on the Atlantis Party guarantee. If not the Atlantis Party will step in and implant the win-win-win-concept anyway. Mr Putin has all the knowledge to convince the both nations governments to voluntary implant the win-win-win-concept.
An easy solved conflict and an evidence for the Europena establishment incapability. (29/9 2020).
The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is one for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party most easy solved conflict. There is no doubt that the Atlantis Party at a step in very fast would win the public opinion and in both nations replace all the non-democratic and corrupt interests with Atlantis Party representatives. The region is in total lac of individuals with political authority and credibility. No individual or political interests in the region is able to challange the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party scientific, religious and political outstanding authority. They do also challange the Atlantis Party almost unlimited financial capability to bring in the win-win-win-concept, into both nations. Added to that the Ancara fool also do send Turkish troups to Azerbaijan. As the Europeans financial and political have back up Mr Erdogan to invade into the Afrin region he since then has been for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party a very accused national leader that will be ruinen his credibility, his authority and he will be overthrown in the very same moment the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. is public known. So far saved by the European establishment active scientific hinders. We can therefore also let the Europeans fail in the Armenian/Azerbaijan-conflict just in the purpose to prove the European establishment political incapabality and later on, rapidly after a scientific verification, solve the conflict. The number victims caused by the European establishment active hinders can now daily be added. European establishment active hinders to the whole humanity, their human rights for access to science and knowledge.