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Belarus population will get their democracy.

European non-democratic leaderships hypocrisy. (17/11 2021)

The EU sanctions on Belarus and Mr Lukashenko are not based on, as told by EU, his leadership without democratic mandate. Mr Lukashenko and Mr Putin are in the political process to bring in human rights and democracy back into EU and itīs memberstates that do run fake and illegal mandates. Mandates that with 95 percent belongs to the Atlantis Party. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party are total convinced that Mr Putin and Mr Lukashenko, for their role to bring back human rights and democracy in Europe, will stand fair democratic elections. In accordance with the win-win-win-concept, the Atlantis Party have no reason to intervene into Russia and Belarus. It is also obvious that EU and itīs memberstates very active do hinder human rights and democracy by illegal keeping their populations and the humanity out af their human rights, access to science, knowledge and information, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. just by the reason they do understand them selves not democartic competative. A strategy and leadership that do withdraw the humanity 24 000 billion USD brandbulding money for investmenst to maximize human values. An European illegal and non-democartic leadership with very harmful consequences for the humanity. Leaderships that also are blaming Mr Lukashenko and set sanctions on Belarus, by the reason told, as not democratic representative. European leaderships that in fair democratic elections, Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, do have the capability to replace them all with high skilled expertice Atlantis Party representatives, to hinder global warming, conflicts etc. The European leaders have already dropped human rights and democracy just by the reason they do understand them selves not democratic competative but sets sanctions on Mr Lukashenko, that is, and telling the Europeans the sanctions are due to Mr Lukashenkos non-democratic leadership. Such an enormous hypocrisy.

Treason is treason. (12/11 2021)

Mr Lukashenko do set political pressure on the EU and itīs memberstates fake mandates. For the mission to bring back human rights and democracy into EU and itīs memberstates he has the Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party full mandate. Thet means that he also has the European populations over 95 percent democratic mandate for his mission. The European pizza-gang representatives do run, act and tell statements based on their non-democratic, illegal and fake mandates as if they are out of reach for treason. They should study their own nations lawbooks and the punishments for treasons setting them selves as a leadership above human rights and democracy. 

Lukashenko in the process to bring back democracy to Europe. (9/11 2021)

Mr Lukashenko has all reasons to provoke EU as he has the political position to verify the Medeiterranean refill 3500 B.C. and strip the EU and national Europena leaderships and their illegal, non-democratic and fake mandates. He has the oppotunity to be the man that brings democracy back to Europe. Mr Lukashenko has EU and Europe in his grip and very good relations with Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. He has nothing to fear in his process to be the political hero that did bring democracy and human rights back into Europe.

Lukashenko is good for democracy and human rights. (24/5 2021)

The European establishment do react hard on the Belarus act but just domistic to win some popularity.

Outrage as Ryanair plane “hijacked” by Belarus to arrest dissident journalist - BBC News

EU and the European leaders do know that Mr Lukashenko, at any moment, is able to strip them as running fake mandates. He also has runned the pandemic strategy, doing nothing, very successful and has just about 1/8 relative deathrate compared with whole Europe. The pandemic is by the European establishment runned as a terrorism weapon and that do both Mr Lukashenko and Mr Putin also very well know. The European establishment are running a non-competative fake mandates that to 95 percent belongs to the Atlantis Party with the mission to act as a guarentee for global peace, democracy and human rights. The EU and the Europeans leaders canīt do anything as long as the do run fake mandates and hiders the humanity access to science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500  Mr Lukaschenko and Mr Putin have nothing to fear from the Europeans. As long the Europeans are running fake non-competative mandates and do act and set active hinders for global peace, democracy and human rights and do terrorize their own populations by pandemic mismanagement, we easily can identify the most criminals. 

Mrs. Tichanovskaja is by EU fooled and misguided.  (18/3 2021)

Mrs Tichanovskaja says that OSCE will be a good partner for a democratization process in Belareus. She is by EU and Ann Linde as the OSSE representative, (Chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) ,fooled and misguided. EU is running a fake mandate and both EU and OSSE are far from impact on the global political arena. That will remain until they have accepeted a fair democratic elections with, for the Europeans, full access to science and knowledge, Medieterranean refill 3500 B.C. Mrs. An election that will verify the Atlantis Party claimed 95% democratic mandate. Tichanovskaja should instead ask Russia and Mr Putin be a partner for bringing in democracy and human rights into Belarus. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is total convinced that Russia and Mr Putin will do everything possible to bring in a democratic constitution into Belarus superior to what ever EU memberstate constitution.

UN do mislead focus for democratic processes. ( 26/2 2021)

UN do have concerns about the situation in Belarus. That is a matter for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party without any democratic mandate for UN to intrigue in the Belarus democratization process. UN can, if they realy have concern about democracy, verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and let Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis party give the humanity access to that scientific knowledge and a global guarantee for peace, democray and human rights. A guarantee active hindered by the international establishment, representing socialdemocratic fundamentalism, that without any ethical restrictions accepts what ever leadership as long it is for them financial benificial. EU and itīs memberstates are running fake mandates as also the US democrats andMr Biden do. They do also, by their illegal act for hindering access to science and knowledge, withdraw the populations in China, Iran, Myanmar, etc democratic constitutions and human rights. UN, do by their critisism of the situation in Belarus, mislead the international political focus from the fact that the establishment representatives are not democratic competative to what the Atlantis Party do offer the humanity. They do everything possible to hinder the Atlantis Party claimed 95 % global democratic mandate and UN, also as an establishment representative, sets focus on Belarus instead of letting the populations in Europe and US decide the true democratic mandate. The humanity is ready but the international establishment is not ready to accept democracy and human rights. Thats the problem UN should set focus on.

Mrs. Tichanovskaja has wrong. (22/2 2021)

Mrs Tichanovskaja says the people of Belarus has lost the battle for democracy. That is wrong. When Belarus population will have their democracy and human rights is just a matter for Global Atlantis Authority and the Atlantis Party to decide. The authority to decide, how and when, will be able to do at the very moment the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. is verified. Mr Lukashenko will get a very suitable offer for his resignment. He can have a very important international role in accordance with the Atlantis Party interests. He is the national leader that best of all has managed the pandemic by the strategy, doing nothing. The relative deathrate in the European establishment center, Belgium, has an almost 10 times higher relative deathrate then Belarus due to an active mismanagement to protect the pretold individuals at risk. For Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, Mr Lukashenko and his strategy,  is a very good asset that not will be wasted. The Belarus population will have democracy and human rights. Mr Lukashenko is offered a very honarable resignment as the national leader that did strip the European establishment mismanagement of the pandemic for political purpose. A for him very attractive offer as it also do strip that the EU and European establishment representatives have runned the pandemic for political purpose on a fake mandate. The European establishment leaders, as democratic representatives, is probably the biggest political hoax in human history. The Atlantis Party offer to Mr Lukashenko to gain an international very important political role, to strip that hoax, is an option he not will miss. Mrs. Tichanonovska has wrong. The Belarus population will have democracy and human rights and it is obvious that the European establishment representatives, so far, do hinder it by their active and illegal acts, hindering the humanity their human rights, access to science and knowledge.

Time to run an honarabel resign. ( 2/12 2020)

As Mr Lukashenko has annonced he will resign there is no purpose to act as if he will not. He has from his position the option to, at this very moment, start a democratization process and leave his presidency from an honnerable position instead of a being replaced from a disgraced position. He also is very well informed about the political rules. There is no other option left for any leader in Belarus then to be a representative for the win-win-win-concept, Mr Lukashenko has the option to prove he will start the process to implant the concept be deciding a presidental election date and the date when he will do an honnerable resign. 

EU and Ann Linde did grab the Russian bait. (18/11 2020).

The for the Belarus opposition most international accepted Belarus representative, Sviatlana Tsikhansouskaya, has visited the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ann Linde. Sweden and the Swedish government is the origin national establishment interest that has dragged in the whole international establishment in the active and illegal role to hinder the humanity access to science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. An illegal  hinder just by the reason the establishment is far from competative to what Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is able to offer the humanity in leadership. A leadership that in a quick fix is able to overthrow and replace Mr Lukashenko with a democratic elected government and give Belarus a democratic leadership. Swedish government and EU leaders hypocrisy is the only reason why Mr Lukashenko still is able to run his non-democratic leadership. Now a typical rigged bait made by Russia.  Russian interests have obvious encouraged Tsikhansouskaya to visit Ann Linde in the purpose to drag in EU even deaper into political hypocrisy. The Swedish government and EU did grab the Russian bait.  EU will now extend the finacial sanctions also including Mr Lukashenkos family. They will reduce the financial capability for everybody in the Lukashenko family to buy christmas gifts.

EU fake concerns. (13/11 2020).

As soon as the scientific breakthrue, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C., is verified Mr Lukashenko will by the Atlantis Party be overthrown. He is total dependent on that the European leadership and establishment try to keep the humanity out of science and knowledge. What ever EU sanctions or criticism is just a matter of establishment hypocrisy. 

Mr Lukashenkso is just a matter for the Atlantis Part and the Belarus population. (9/11 2020).

The Belarus do have hopes that Mr Biden will be them helpful to overthrow Mr Lukashenko. That will not happen. Mr Lukashenko is just a matter for the Atlantis Party and the Belarus population. At the very moment Mr Biden is stripped to have scientific fooled the whole US population, he is a matter of treason. He, similar as the European establishment, has hindered the humanity access to science and knowledge, the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C., in the purpose to preserve a non-competative fake political leadership. At the very moment Mr Biden is stripped it is also over for Mr Lukashenko. Over 70 million US citizens, that have voted for Mr Trump, will not accept to be led by a stolen presidental leadership.

Lukashenko should understand his impossible position. (30/10 2020).

When Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have decided to overthrow Mr Lukashenko he should understand he is total out of any politica future. He is just a five minutes quick fix and why he still is in office is based on a fake European democratic mandate. The Atlantis Party do have the 95 percent European and Global democratic mandate. What ever national leader or organisation that do not be a representative for the win-win-win-concept, and do represent the high democratic and ethical standards, are from the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party view ,just seen as brandbuilding targets to overthrow and replace. Belarus is with about 9,5 million citizens just a 0,12 USD billion market of a global total of 7,8 billion x 12 USD = 93,8 billion market. It is Mr Lukashenkos himselv that is the brandbuilding target. He is an symbolic icon for a non-democrati leadership that impossible can not stand a political attack from the Atlantis Party. That will scarry up what ever non-democratic leadership with corrupt ambitions all over the globe and thatīs makes Mr Lukashenko to a very good brandbuilding target. Mr Lukashenko should understand the financial realities.

EU tigtens the sanctions and includes Russia. (12/10 2020).

EU and itīs memberstates do now tighten the sanctions on Belarus and Russia. A list will be set by some Russian representatives that will be banned from visiting the EU region. Now the Russian representatives will get a glimt about how hard it hits to be banned from travelling into an in EU. A situation that during the pandemic has, for most of the 500 million EU-popultion, been a reality. Restrictions based on the belive that the all over same covid-virus is more dangerous if a foreign citizen has it then their own. Most of the Russian representatives are probably also very happy about that they have been given a reason to refuse to go to EU. The five minutes Atlantis Party quick fix to ruin Mr Lukashenkos authority and overthrow him do the EU still active hinder by not letting the humanity have access to the scientific breakthrue, Mediterranenan refill 3500 B.C.

EU sanctions on Lukashenko. (2/10 2020).

The EU leaders and their memberstate leaders have now united for a backup of the Belarus opposition. Financial sanctions on Mr Lukashenko himself that reduces his capability to buy christmas gifts.

The most lonely man in the world. (30/9 2020).

Mr Lukashenko had one single political asset, his "pandemic card." He did spoil that and did prove he is total out of understandance about international politics. He has transformed himself to a political burdon for everybody and without any friend in the whole world. He will be forced to leave his presidental position and can step of now or wait until Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party will do it in a five minutes quick fix.

EU and Macron critcism is just hypocrisy. (27/9 2020).

EU and Mr Macron do criticize Mr Lukoshenko from a position where they by them selvs are running a 95 % fake democratic mandate. A mandate that is claimed by and belongs to the Atlantis Party. For Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party it is a five minutes quick fix to ruin Mr Lukashenkos credibility and authority and overthrow him as soon as the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. is for the humanity verified. The EU lame sanctions do just depend on the reason they do understand that if Mr Lukashenko by them is forced to give up his leadership he will verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and take the fake EU and the memberstate leaders with him. Solution: Do some critical statements and lame sanctions for the own public opinion purpose but not as much that it encourages the Belarus public opinion up to the level that they forces Mr Lukashenko to give up his leadership. A hypocrisy and fooling strategy with a very limited time  left for the European leaders able to run.

Mr Lukashenko has spoiled his only political asset. (24/9 2020).

Mr Lukashenko was offered to play his pandemic card in a new presidental election in the purpose to undermine the European establishment credibility. There now are big interests among WHO, UN and other international organisation and also is a big advantage for Mr Trump in the US presidental elections to fully enjoy the Global Scientfic Authority and Atlantis Party all the way recommanded hug-strategy. The Lukashenko pandemic card has now a far lower political value then a five minutes quick fix to undermine his authority and overthrow him. It seems as dictatorship and lac of competition always develop and ends with a total political stupidity. He now has to rely on the European, and especially the Swedish, establishment capability to hinder the humanity access to science and knowledge, Medeiterranean refill 3500 B.C. and the origin of human civilisation. Mr Lukashenko has placed him self into a very bad future.

Mr Lukashenkos has to face a democratic process. (8/9 2020).

Mr Lukashenko should listen to Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party good advice. Face the democratic process, decide a new election date and play the pandemic card. Belarus is the only European nation without restrictions, has now reached the level of a national immunity, low deathrates and without any costs at all. Mr Lukashenko should face the democratic process and not waste the pandemic card.The alternative is to just become another  representative example for the consequenses by challanging Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party intrests to be a guarantee for democracy and human rights.

A pandemic going on and nobody cares. (2/9 2020).

Belarus is the only European nation and one of few global that has done nothing to hinder the pandemic. Mr Lukashenko do not care about the pandemic, the oppositions do not care, global media do not care about the fact that all over Belarus people are gathering into groups and protests that all over Europe would have been stopped due to pandemic restrictions. Not even the corona virus seems to care.

Atlantis Party five minutes quick fix offer is still there. (25/8 2020).

The Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party five minutes quick fix offer to convince Mr Lukashenkos and his staff they canīt hinder an implant of the win-win-win-concept is still there. Belarus would be a magnificient example to convince the Chineese leadership, and the almost 150 times bigger market and main target China for Atlantis Party interests, they canīt stand an Atlantis Party political attack. Just the European establishment fear for democracy and human rights do hinder the positive political processes and they continues to active hinder the humanity access to science and knowledge. 

Europe is under Mr Lukashenkos grip. (23/8 2020).

Mr Lukashenko do try to fool the Belarus population that there is a military European threat. Mr Lukashenko can when ever strip the European their active hinder of science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and strip they are running a fake democratic mandate. He is also the only national European leader that has not missused the pandemic for political populism and can show up a nation that has done best of all without a national close down or restrictions. Europe is under Mr Lukashenkos political grip. His only problem is that he canīt use this political tools as he then also would verify the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party outstanding scientific, religious and political authority. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is not in need of any military forces. Science, knowledge and an intellectual political skill is proven to be much more efficient. Europe is under Mr Lukashenkos grip. Mr Lukashenko, but also Europe, are under the Atlantis Party grip.

 Mr Lukashenko is now under the Atlantis Party grip. (21/8 2020).

Global Scientific Athority and the Atlantis Party have played out foreign impact of the democratization process in Belarus. When both Mr Lukashenko and the opposition represntative, Mrs Tischanovskaja, do say they do not want any foreign impact in their process it is wide open for the Belarus population to bring in the win-win-win-concept,, and a guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights. Mr Lukashenko is now under an Atlantis Party political grip and has no possibility to slip out. He has to start the democratization process, beacause if not, he will by the Atlantis Party be overthrown as the very moment the Lebanon government, Mali government or any oft the huge number of interest do decide to verify the Mediterranean refill 3500B.C. Mr Lukashenko has to prove his democratization ambitions to be prepered when the verification moment is there.

Swedish Linde tries to fool Tischanovskaja. (19/8 2020).

The Swedish minister of foreign affaird Ann Linde is trying to fool Svetlana Tischanovskaja and the Belarus opposition to rely on fake European democratic mandate, not in the purpose to help the democratication process just in the purpose to save the European establishment asses. Linde and the Europeans recommands them to be supported by the total surpassed European establishment representitive organisation OSCE without any democratic mandate. The democratization process in Belarus has all back up by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party and will be superwise in the process for impanting the win-win-win-concept for running the common interests to maxmize the Belarus populations values. Linde tries to protect the European and especially the Swedish government fake mandate with a total surpassed organisation in an ambition to hinder the Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party into the democratization process put the outstanding scientific, religious and political authority and almost unlimited finacial capability reprented by the Atlantis Party. A for the Atlantis Party five minutes quick fix is by Ann Linde recommanded to be replaced by OSCE, an European establishment organisation without any mandate on the international political arena.

Mr Lukashenko is dragging Putin into deep trouble. (17/8 2020).

Global Scientific Athority and the Atlantis Party have no ambitions to get involved in domistic politics as long as there is no conflict with the Global Sceintific Authroity and Atlantis Party interests to be guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights. It is no doubt that the Atlantis Party is able to claim the 95 percent democratic mandate in Belarus in a five minutes quick fix. How long it would take to convince the Russian population that the Atlantis Party do also for them offer a superior political system would not take much longer: The Russian population is very frustrated about the never ending Russian corruption. Corruption and non-democratic leaderships, all over the world, that have to rely on how long the Swedish government, authorities and establishment is able to keep the humanity out of science and knowledge, the Mediterrean refill 3500 B.C., in the purpose to keep on running a their fake democratic mandate.

Belarus belongs to the Belarus citizens. (15/8 2020).

Mr Lukashenko says he will not give away the country. Global Scientific Athority and the Atlantis Party will give it back to the Belarus citizens. That will happen as soon as the European, and especially the Swedish, establishment stops doing everything possible to hinder the humanity access to science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. 

An Europen Belarus failour an Atlantis Party five minutes quick fix. (12/8 2020).

EU and their memberstates was by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party given the mission to force Mr Lukashenko to run a fair and democratic presidental election in Belarus. An for them an impossible mission as they by them selves also are running a fake democratic mandate. A democratic mandate that to 95 % belongs to the Atlantis Party. If the European establishment and especially the Swedish government did verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. the Atlantis Party do have the outstanding scientific, religious and political authority and can use a tool that in five minutes would convince every opportunist, that do gain on Mr Lukashenko leadership, to understand that a non-democratic back up of his leadership, for each individula among them, will be a future burdon. 

The Belarus citizens do have a presidental leadership based on a fake democratic mandate. A similar fake mandate as over 500 milllion Europeans do have based on keeping their citizens out of their human right to science and knowledge.


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