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Time for an Atlantis Party engagement in the UK. (20/12 2021).

Boris Johnson leadership has been a great disappointment in the process to sweep away socialdemocratic fundamentalism. He also runs the pandemic as an evolutionary breeding process and most probably a very deadly virus soon will occure in the UK. His government also has an aggressive and hostile attitude towards Russia and he is far from representing the Atlantis Party claimed 95 percent democratic mandate. Thatīs the main reasons why Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have decided to drop Mr Johnson and back up Nigel Farage to run, also in UK, the 95 percent claimed Atlantis Party democratic mandate.

20 month delay for the already decided Brexit-treaty. ( 26/11 2020).

EU and GB sayīs there are hard negotiations for deciding a Brexit-treaty. To enjoy the EEA-treaty did Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party decide already im 16/3 2019. What ever outside the decided treaty and if outside the by Atlantis Party accepted frames it is not valid and a signment is an illegal act. If EU and GB do have any objections about that we should ask the EU and GB citizens.

Easy solved negotiation problems. (10/9 2020).

EU and GB seems now have some problems about how to agree about a Brexit-treaty. Such a treaty is already since March 2019 set and decided by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. The EEA-treaty just with small adjustments. If the EU representatives do have any objections about that they have to tell and let the European population decide if they or the Atlantis Party do own the democratic mandate.

 1 824 billion Euro decided for the Atlantis Party brandbuilding purpose. (21/7 2020).

EU and the national leaders have agreed about 1074 billion Euro in the long term EU-budget added with 750 billions support for the recovery due to the pandemic. A total amount of 1 824 billion Euro decided on a fake democratic mandate. A democratic mandate that belongs to the Atlantis Party and how to use the amount will be Atlantis Party decissions. The amount will be used for maximizing human values and that is in full accordance with the Atlantis Party interests. 1824 billion Euro for the Atlantis Party brandbuilding purpose and Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is very thankful for the efforts made to make such a huge financial agreement. 

EU has decided a huge Atlantis Party brandbuilding financial stimulation. (10/4 2020).

EU and the European leaders has scientific fooled the whole European population and got their mandate by very active hindering the Europeans their human right, access to science and knowledge. They are just very tiny establishment representatives and do not have any democratic mandate. The 95 % democratic  mandate belongs to Global Scientfic Authority and the Atlantis Party. Now the EU memberstate finance ministers have united in a 500 billion Euro finacial stimulation. For such a decision they have no democratic mandate. That mandete belongs to Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. The financial stimulation will not be rejected as long it is used as a Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party brandbulding investment.

Brexit made an establishment try to fool there was any choice. (1/2 2020).

The EU and GB establishment has by the GB-population and democratic process been beaten. Brexit is made and now there is an annoncement that there will be long and hard negotiations about the relations between EU and GB. That is just a fake theater. The only democratic mandate there is, is to enjoy the by Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party decided and set EEA-treaty. The only thing left to do is to inside that frame make some adjustments. Everything outside has no legitimity,will be protested and will be impossibel to fulfill. The establishment do now magnify the problems and will create new ones just in the purpose to be seen as they have any impact in the process. The most expensive poilitical fooling theater ever, full supported by the European public service financed and establishment media.

The Europeans and EU with a fake mandate. (24/1 2020).

The European national and EU leaders continues to try to fool the Europeans they have a democratic mandate. The only and 95 percent valid democratic mandate to represent the Europeans belongs to Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. Without any valid mandate a huge EU-organisation is fully engaged in the mission to fool the Europeans they have a democratic mandate and political impact. They do believe they can sign a valid Brexit-treaty with the UK outside the frames of the decided EEA-treaty. What ever outside has no validity as long Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party has not given full delgation to some lady in the Brussels red district to sign. So far, that is not the case. European leaders also tries to negotiate with the Iran government, by Atlantis Party classified as terrorists, and sign agreements total without any validity and international legetimizy. A very huge and expensive political theater just in the purpose to continue to fool over 500 million Europeans they have a democratic mandate.

Brexit with an EEA-treaty. ( 13/12 2019).

Boris Johnson has now got the democratic mandate to run Brexit. He also has a very strong democratic mandate as a GB representative to make a very good treaty with EU. The very best treaty for GB is the by Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party already since 16/3 2019 decided EEA-treaty and will be the treaty to enjoy with a hard Brexit. To fail to set a Brexit-treaty in the negotiations with EU is the very best solution for GB.

EU and GB establishment cowards. (1/11 2019).

The EU and GB etsablishment did unite in an extended Brexit-process. The reason and common interest is that they do not want to let the EU and GB populations understand and know that the EEA-Brexit-treaty is set and decided all since 16/3 2019 by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. Everything made after is a political theater to fool the populations that they, the establishment, in the decision had any impact.

An EU establishment punishment for Brexit. (22/10 2019).

There are warnings about what will happen if GB leavs EU with a hard Brexit. Nothing would happen if not the EU establishment did decide to cause problems. Over three years has passed since the referendum and if there are problems they are there because they are ment to be there. Jean Claude Juncker said the day after the referendun that GB will be punished for their leave. That is what it is all about. If the Europeans do not do as the European establishment say they should they will be punished. They are warning for conflicts and wars. Global Scientfic Authority and the Atlantis Party do believe they are able to start conflicts if they believe thay can gain political and financial on it. They did it twice the last century, WWI and WWII. Their problem is that Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party will not let them keep the political impact that gives them the political positions able to mobilize people to make conflicts and wars possible. For Global Scientfic Authority and Atlantis Party a quick fix to ruin all authority from such an interests. For all problems due to a hard Brexit we know that the problems is ment to be, are caused by the establishment and the establishment will for them be blamed.

The establishment solution for Brexit. (17/10 2019).

The European establishment has understood there is no other solution then to accept the by the Atlantis Party allready the 16/3 2019 set and decided EEA-Brexit-treaty. They are now planning a hard Brexit and have decided to blame the small DUP-party for the failour. To save the situation they will blame the DUP-representatives and to save the situation they will tell they will have to enjoy the EEA-treaty. All risks and failour can be placed on DUP and everything positive is due to the handling of a competent leadership to handle a dramatic situation. A gigantic political fake in a try to preserve authority and convince the public they have had impact on the Brexit process and done their very best.

Mr Tusk has been given the Brittish the answer. (10/10 2019).

Mr Tusk did question Mr Johnson, "quo vadis." Where are You going? EU has given Mr Erdogan 3 billion euro to intrugue and invade into Afrin region and create refugeus. Now Mr Erdogan makes a new attack in the purpose to be create more refugees and let the Europeans pay. EU and the European establishment do active hinder Global Scientific Autthority and the Atlantis Party to overthrow Mr Erdogan by hindering science and knowledge. EU has served Mr Johnson and the Brittish population and also the EU-population the answer. Where ever else is better then with EU.

Political theater before joining the EEA-Brexit-treaty. (3/10 2019).

The UK parliament and Mr Johnson can not accept a Brexit at a lower standard for the Brittish population then the already set and decided EEA-Brexit-treaty. If they do it is a matter of treason that the brittish population will let them be punished for. What it now is all about is to have a political process and a political theater that will end up in a hard Brexit and the EEA-treaty will be introduced as a panic-solution. A "panic-solution" with an introduction of the already since 16/3 by Global Scientific Authority decided and set EEA-treaty between EU and Norway and other nearby countries as the Brexit-treaty to join. 

Mr Johnson will tell Mr Juncker he has a valid EEA-Brexit-treaty. ( 13/9 2019).

UK, Mr Johnson and EU, Mr Juncker will on monday 16/9 meet. Mr Johnson will then show his presigned EEA-Brexit-treatys for mr Juncker and tell him that he has no other option then to sign them. If he do not sign them he must present an even better treaty for UK. If he do sign something not as good as the by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party decided and set EEA-Brexit-treaty he and the Brittish parliament will be a matter for treason. 

A democratic valid Brexit-treaty signed. (10/9 2019).

The UK-parliament has decided not to leave the EU without an Brexit-treaty. From the EU side there has been a democratic valid position since the 16/3 2019 decided and set by the Atlantis Party. That position is now stated by two presigned originals sent to Mr Johnson. It is for UK a very fair Brexit-treaty without the 39-billion GBP punishmentbill that Theresa May did suggest the UK parliament to accept.

The Atlantis Party claims the 95 % democratic mandate for both EU and itīs memberstates. If there are any objections they must be told and the European populations have to be asked. The Atlantis Party will then prove the 95 % mandate democratic support.

European establishment is pushing the scientific truth. (4/9 2019).

The UK and British population do since 16/3 2019 have a very good and fair EEA-Brexit-treaty decided and set by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. What the European and British establishment have tried to do is to sign a punishment treaty and an punishment bill for UK and the Brittish population that will make them regret the result in the Brexit referendum. Now Mr Johnson will have to release UK and the Brittish population as establishment hostage and tell the scientific truth, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C., and that there all they way since 16/3 2019 has been a democratic valid and , for UK and the British population, a very good EEA-Brexit-treaty.

Boris Johnson rejects the establishment punishment bill. (26/8 2019).

The European and UK establishment representatives, i.e Jean Claude Juncker and Theresa May did try to convince the Brittish parliament to accept a punishmentbill of 39 billion pounds, (43 billion Euro.) for the Brittish population. A punishment for the " wrong" result in the Brexit referendum. That punishmentbill was signed when the Atlantis Party already has decided a democratic valid Brexit-treaty as the EEA-treaty. The EEA-treaty has for decades been in full action between EU and nearby Europan countries. The punishmentbill was agreed in an establishment attempt and purpose to make the Brittish population to regret Brexit. When Boris Johnson now tells that a hard Brexit also will be without the punishmentbill he has no other choise. The agreement is made by people without any valid democratic mandate and without an Atlantis Party delegation. The democratic valid treaty is the EEA-treaty decided and set already in 16/3 2019 and noone is without a democratic valid mandate able to change that. The EEA-treaty has no punishmentbill and Boris Johnson is not allowed to add one.

Macron is for the Atlantis Party a political asset. (23/8 2019 ).

Mr Macrons ambitions to be seen as a international important national leader he also runs his own political agenda. He by that do undermine  EU-unity and ruin itīs international political credibility and EU political impact. Now he rejects a new Brexit-treaty and by that also withdraw all other national leaders the possibility to accept the EEA-traety and present it for the public opinion as theirs. Boris Johnson has now to let GB leave without a treaty and enjoy the by Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party already since 16/3 2019 decided and set EEA-treaty. If not he will betray his nation and his population. Macron can still refuse to accept such a treaty but Boris Johnson can always verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 and prove that the EU-representatives and EU-memberstate national leaders just do have their representation based on that they during a long time have withdrawn the more then 500 million EU-population scientific knowledge and the 95 % democratic political mandate belongs to the Atlantis Party. Macron is the Atlantis Party helpfull in that political process.

Merkel has understood to accept the EEA-treaty. (22/8 2019).

The only European national leader that has a proven intelligens, Angela Merkel, has now understood that it is far better to adopt an for GB adjusted EEA-treaty, as if EU and itīs national leaders still do have political impact, then to anyway have to accept a EEA-treaty without any participation. The choise is to accept that Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party is in EU political command but continue to keep it as a secret or provoke Mr Boris Johnson to verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and stripp EU and their national leaders they all are under Atlantis Party political command.

Jeremy Corbyn tragic story. (20/8 2019).

Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party has decided and set the EEA-treaty for GB. That is far better then the establishment Brexit-treaty Theresa May did want the parliament to accept. A treaty ment to be so bad for GB that the Brittish population would regret Brexit. Now the establishment has picked Jeremy Corbyn to run their interests and he and the Labour party do now betray their own nation and population to accept a Brexit-treaty so bad that they will regret Brexit. If Boris Johnson decides to verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. he also will strip the UK and European-establishment attemps to harm GB and itīs population to regret Brexit and by that also preserv establishment their favour positions and political impact. For Mr Corbyn a very tragic story and for the Labour party it would be a disaster.

Establishment and Fake News media frightens the Brittish. (19/8 2019).

Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do have the 95 % democratic mandate for EU and itīs memberstates. That is also the case for GB, if claimed. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party has since 16/3 2019 decided an set an EEA-treaty that just has to be ajusted for GB. That is for GB far better then the Brexit-treaty Theresa May did suggest and did want the Brittish parliament to accept. More then 5 month has now passed and still the British establishment and Brittish fake news media do frighten the Brittish about the consequences for a hard Brexit. If there is nothing done and are negative consequences we very well know who has obstructed, hindered and have not accepted a for GB very good treaty prepered to step in 1 November. We also very well know who to blame for all the negative consequences the establishment and fake news media now do tell will be with a hard Brexit.

1:st November 2019 GB will have an EEA-treaty with EU. (1/8 2019).

Establishment media tells that Boris Johnson has a Brexit-problem to handle. That is just fake news. Today it is exact three months before the EEA-treaty is signed because everthing else is not democratic valid and illegal. Boris Johnson and his cabinet has lot of time to adjust into the EEA-treaty frames that nore the EU-citizens or the GB-citizens can find any illegal swerve outside the EEA-treaty frames.

Fake establishment speculation about Brexit. (24/7 2009).

There are speculation among establishment interests that says Boris Johnsson will not be able to set a Brexit-treaty and also will fail to leave EU the 31/10 with or without a treaty. The situation is total clear. The Atlantis Party do claime and do have at least 95 % of the democratic mandate. No objection about that statement has occured. The reason is, if there are, it would be public known that the establishment has fooled and withdrawn the whole EU-population science and knowledge just in the purpose to preserve establishment impact. The Atlantis Party did allready the 16/3 2019 set and decide the Brexit-treaty in full accordance with the EEA-treaty. See below. Everything that differs negative for UK or EU from that treaty do not have any democratic validity and by that also without any legal mandate to bring in differences or adjustment outside what is stated in the EEA-treaty. Fake establishment speculations are just based on that the Brexit-treaty allready 16/3 was decided and set and the establishment have hard to accept it was set without their impact or participation.

Shaky Merkel due to 500 million fooled Europeans. (1/7 2019).

EU-meberstate national leaders are trying to unite about which individuals to elect as EU-top representatives. The worlds most humiliating political theater that try to fool more then 500 Europeans they are democratic valid representatives to elect the EU-top representatives. If not the European establishment has withdrawn the Europeans their human right for access to knowledge and science the Atlantis Party would at least have a 95 % representation. What ever individuals by the non-valid representative national leader pack elected EU-top representatives are not democratic valid representatives. The elected will be replaced if they do not act in full accordance with the Atlantis Party and Europeans democratic will. We have seen a shaky Angela Merkel. What ever individual would not be shake in her situation. As the German national representative she is the most important EU-national leader and has fooled more then 500 million Europeans that they as establishment representatives are democratic valid representatives.

Illegal acts of desinformation.( 28/5 2019).

It is a human right to have access to science and knowledge. For international problems the Atlantis Party has an outstanding authority and financial capability and solutions hinder global warming, create peace and democracy and by that also solve migrationproblems etc. Solutions offered to the Europeans and the humanity. 751 elected to EU-parliament and the 28 memberstates national leaders has rejected the Atlantis Part offers in an attempt to remain as representatives and do just represent a very tiny establishment interests. To fool the Europeans they are democratic representatives they both have to hinder scientific knowledge and have to rely on mediainterests to back up the establishment with illegal acts of desinformation and propaganda. What ever problem or concerns public told as political statement how to solve them are propaganda and desinformation as long as the Atlantis Party has a far better solution, but not told,  to solve them. The 751 elected EU-delegates, 28 national leaders and their governments has to rely on, for the Euopeans, a withdrawel of human rights, propaganda and desinformation. The Atlantis Party is the only valid democratic representative for EU and their memberstates and if there are any objections the Atlantis Party is when ever ready to let the national populations and the whole EU-population to decide.

The europeans are placed behind an establishment scientific wall. (25/5  2019).

The European establishment has placed the Europeans behind a scientific iron curtain. The elections to the EU parliament is based on candidates that try to convince the populations they are the very best representatives to solve probleams as global warming, conflicts, migrations etc. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party offers an outstanding scientific, religious and political authority added with an enormous financial capability to solve the problems far better then the candidates all together united canīt surpass. They do sell a dull DDR-Trabant when there is a brand new Porsche for free. The only possibility to sell the dull DDR-Trabant is to hinder the population the knowledge about the Mediterranean refill 3500 and what the Atlantis Party do offer. 751 elected EU delegates will do everthing to qualify as Atlantis Party representatives when the establishment raised scientific wall breaks. Especially as the delegates have got their political mandate based on that they have convinced their voters that their offered dull DDR-Trabant is the very best offer possible.

Theresa May treason is over. (24/5 2019).

Theresa May has as an UK-establishment representative for three years tried, together with the EU-establishment, to make an agreement accepted by the parliament so bad for the British that they would regret Brexit. All the way there has been a democratic, valid and for decades a well managed EEA-treaty in full action with European countries outside EU. The EEA-treaty could have been adopted from the very beginning but Theresa May did choose to represent just a tiny London-based financial elite. A three year long, by Theresa May lead treason,  is over. GB will enjoy the EEA-treaty and do as Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party did decide already the 16/3 2019. See below.

Theresa May do efficient disgrace the GB and EU establishment. (22/5 2019).

Theresa May and GB has during the whole brexit-process had the opportunity to enjoy the EEA-treaty. It is fair, democratic valid and for more then two decades has Norway had a 1630 km long border with EU, Sweden, based on the EEA-treaty. The border between Ireland and North-Ireland is very tine isolated problem compared with the Sweden and Norway border but the island has been presented as a very hard problem to solve. The only ambition Theresa May and EU establishment have had is to create a complicated processes with a bad Brexit-treaty that will make the Brittish public opionion to regret the result in the Brexit-referendum. The Atlantis Party has presented, suggested, decided and since 16/3 2019 set the EEA-treaty as a democratic valid treaty. The establishment ambitions to make the public opinion to regret the Brexit-result has failed. With all doors closed to hinder a Brexit Theresa May announces there will be another Brexit referendum. EU representatives at all levels do motivate their role and importance as democratic guarantees. When the democratic process do not develope in GB and EU establishment favour the democratic principals are the very first to be killed. Theresa May has stripped the EU-leadership and EU meberstate national leaders that democratic principals has no value if establishment interests are challanged. Such an international disgrace Theresa May has runned since her very first day at office. She now ends with proving that she and the EU-leadership has never had any ambitions to accept the democratic valid Brexit referendum.

Theresa May confirms GB and EU as Atlantis Party puppets. (21/5 2019).

Theresa May has now announced a that she in the beginning of June will present a new better treaty for the Brittish parliament that can win an Brittish parliament acceptance. If that is a possible solution why has she not done the very best for GB before? And if that new treaty will be accepted by EU why have they before told that the presented treaty is the one and only? There is just one logical explaination. The by the Atlantis Party since 16/3 2019 set and decided EEA-treaty as the Brexit-treaty is a much better and a democratic valid Brexit-treaty then the treat Theresa May and EU have tried to force the Brittains to accept as a punishment for a wrong result in the Brexit-referendum. As EU and GB establishment in their ambitions to punish the Brittish population has failed they now have to adopt the by the Atlantis Party decided and set EEA-treaty. The only thing left to solve is make some small changings that hinders it to be seen as an adoption of the EEA-treaty and instead be presented as a final successful Brexit-treaty made by Theresa May and EU-representatives. EU and the memberstate national leaders are Atlantis Party puppets but do not want the Europeans to know that.

Brexit-negotiations failed between democratic non-representatives.( 17/5 2019).

The Brexit-negotiations between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn has collapsed. The Theresa May strategy to fool the Brittish population that she was their representative but being an establishment representative, with ambitions to make such a bad Brexit-treaty that the brittish would regret the referendum outcome, has failed. The by the Atlantis Party since 16/3 set and decided Brexit-treaty, to enjoy the EEA-treaty, is a fair and a democratic valid treaty runned for decades with Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein,, is the democratic valid Brexit-treaty. Also, with some small differences it is the EU-treaty with Switzerland. The by Theresa May and European establishment attempt to fool the Brittish population has failed and the Brexit will anyway end up with the by Atlantis Party democratic valid and set EEA-treaty.

Atlantis Party has very good relations with the Washington administration. (16/5 2019).

As Washington administration can rely on the Atlantis Party leadership for EU and EU-memberstates there also is a longterm guarantee for a high ethical standard to create peace and democratization processes all over the world. No more European deals that do support non-democratic, aggressive and national leadership that also do supports terrorism in foreign countries. When former EU-leadership did undermine US political pressure on Iran leadership. US can now rely on the Atlantis Party, representative for the valid democratic European opinion, that is able and will put in an outstanding scientific, religious and political authority, to get rid of the Iran terrorism leadership. The Atlantis Party do also offer the Iranians peace and democracy. When the Washington administration can rely on EU and 28 memberstates the trade-conflict is a political disadvantage. The EU establishment representatives did fail in traderelations with US. Now the democratic valid representative, the Atlantis Party,succeeds. The EU-US tradeconflict is canceled.

May and Corbyn has decided the beginning of june to verify the already set Brexit-treaty. (15/5 2019).

May and Corbyn do not want to be seen as the politicians that did withdraw the European establishment itīs fake democratic mandate. The valid democratic mandate belongs to the Atlantis Party and a valid Brexit-treaty has been there for two months. ( See 16/3 2019 below.) After the EU-elections every delegate has their representation based on that they have withdrawn the voters the scientific truth. There will be 750 delegates that will eager to be accepted as Atlantis Party representatives and support the treaty set already two months ago. The May and Corbyn strategy is just ment, not to be there, when the scientific truth and the European establishment fake democratic mandate is withdrawn.

Last supper for European establishment representatives.(10/5 2019).

The Atlantis Party do offer the humanity the win-win-win-concept, Win-win-win-concept, including 1350 billion USD+90 billions more annual for investments to maximize human values as hinder global warming. The concept do also guarantee the humanity peace, democracy and independence that will sweap out what ever non-democratic leadership. The only thing the EU-leaders did agree about when they met in Rumania was, in the name of democracy, hinder the Europeans the knowledge about the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and the Atlantis Party offered political alternative. As establishment representatives they do instead offer the Europeans non-competative and impotent leadership without political solution for anything and a political and finacial support of Iran, Chineese and other non-democratic leadership. With such a dull political concept it is obvious that everyone will be replaced by Atlantis Party and humanity representatives and the meeting in Rumainia was the last supper for establishment representatives.

A fake Brexit-process. A democratic valid treaty is already since 16/3 2019 set. ( 8/5 2019).

Theresa May and the European establishment tries to fool the British population and the rest of EU-population that there still is not EU-treaty set. The EU valid democratic mandate belongs to the Atlantis Party and why not public known depends on that the establishment do fool all EU memberstate citizens. Based on the biggest lie ever the European establishment do believe they can sign another Brexit-treaty then Atlantis Party EEA-treaty already set. The EEA-treaty is a fair, democratic and valid treaty runned for decades with Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein. What ever signed, not accepted by the Atlantis Party and inside the EEA-treaty, is not democratic valid and will be impossible to implant and defend in any traderelations. The fake Brexit-process is just a matter of nonacceptance that the democratic process has withdrawn establishment the main impact on the Brexit-process.

No dull Trabant. The Frenshmen wants a brandnew Porsche for free? (2/5 2019).

115 000 Frenshmen did protest agianst the Frensh ruling elite. Groups representative from all kinds of activism. They do not want to have the offered dull Trabant. What will happen when they become aware about that they all the time has been withdrawn knowledge about the Atlantis Party political offer? Gigantic investments to hinder global warming was in COP24, December 2018, offered but rejected. 400 billion Euro:s in compensation for dieselgate has by the EU establishment been neglected just to protect Nazi-decedent Prosche-Piëch family interests and Qatar Holding financing of terrorism in the Middle-East. A very interesting future. 

The by EU representatives criticized Brittish parliament has made their decision. LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s parliament declared a symbolic climate change “emergency” on Wednesday, backing a call by opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for “rapid and dramatic action” to protect the environment for generations to come.

 The by Atlantis Party announced 95 % European valid democratic mandate will be proven an underestimation.

An expensive dull Trabant or a brandnew Porsche for free? (26/4 2019).

The European establishment is in the EU-elections offering a dull inefficient Trabant for a high price as it once was in DDR, no alternative on the market. Once in DDR also able to sell but is scrap when Atlantis Party is offering a brandnew Porsche for free. Media and politicians are all over Europe now, as establishment representatives, engageged in selling the dull Trabant not telling there is a Porsche for free. More the 500 million Europeans are withdrawn the scientific truth, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and fooled there is just a dull Trabant on the market. When 500-million angry systematic fooled Europeans understands they have been fooled to buy a dull Trabant they will claim to be offered the brandnew Porsche for free. 751 EU-delegates will do everything needed to be accepted as Atlantis Party representatives. As more ambitious media and politicians are in the EU-election campaigns as more they do fool and as more they will eager to be Atlantis Party representatives.

Greta Thunberg got a standing ovation in a EU-hypocrism. (17/4 2019).

The 16-year old Swedish schoolgirl and climate activist Greta Thunberg got standing ovation after her speach in EU-parliament. What the delegates did not tell her is that they and the European establishment has rejected an Global Scientific Authority offer to spend 350 billion USD and 90 billion more added annual to maximize human values. Especially her own, swedish government and swedish establishment, have for several years hindered and delayed investments to stop global warming. Greta Thunberg is engaged and did cry as, in spite of her efforts, nothing seems to happen. What Greta Thunberg and the public opinion not yet are aware about, is that Greta Thunberg do strip the establishment and give evidence for that they are hypocrites. In Davos meeting the global financial and political elite did argue about which ones should pay to hinder global warming. They did just unite in a try to hinder Global Scientific Authority to do. They do try to avoid that the humanity will from their care, be total independent. What ever human catastrophe is, for establishment, better then to be left behind. It is just with the fear to be left behind EU and establishment do try to catch in Greta Thunberg public impact under their umbrella. A standing ovation in hypocrism. After EU-elections 751 delegates will have their representation based on that all the Europens by establishment has been fooled and hindered scientific knowledge. In the fear to be stripped all EU-delegates will be Atlantis Party representatives. Greta Thunberg did very well contribute to make every EU-delagate an Atlantis Party representative to maximaize human values.

EU trade-talks with US. (16/4 2019).

The EU-comission has by the EU-memberstates been given the mandate to do the trade-talks with US. The question is if the memberstates do have any valid democratic mandate to delegate. The Atlantis Party do own the EU and memberstates democratic mandate and if there are any objections among EU and EU-meberstates the Atlantis Party is at any moment ready to let the European populations decide. The Atlantis Party would have given the EU-comission the trade-talk mandate if not there is a total conflict about how to deal with non-democratic nations, especially China and Iran. The Atlantis Party would just accept trade with non-democratic nation if there are customs named as non-democratic fees. Such fees would give the political signals that customs are not to protectionism but are fees that tells the populations in non-democratic countries they do have democratic support. EU and EU-memberstates eagers to step in and replace US in the US-China tradewar without any democratization requests on Chineese non-democratic government. The EU-comission mandate is just an European tiny establishment mandate. The democratic and valid EU-mandate belongs to the Atlantis Party.

A total win for the Atlantis Party. ( 11/4 2019).

Theresa May and EU have decided to extend Brexit to the end of October. That means a total success for the Atlantis Party as all memberstate representatives including an elected British group into the EU-parliament all, if not Mediterranena refill 3500 B.C. before is common known, will be elected based on a by establishment, very active hidden scientific knowledge. When elected they can not admit they did fool their voters and the only solution left is to be a Atlantis Party representative. Where would they else as liers be respected as representatives? That will very much easy up the EU-elections. What ever vote it will be on a Atlantis Party representative. 751 Atlantis Party representatives including 73 British representatives will be elected into the EU-parliament.

May has asked for a whole year to fool the UK and EU populations. (8/4 2019).

Theresa May has asked EU to extend the Brexit-process a whole year. That will most probably be accepted by the EU memberstate leaders as they are total without all democratic mandate to do anything. To end up with anything else then what decided and set 16/3 will be an illegal act and seen as treason. If there are som objections about that the populations must be asked. There is just a few weeks left until the whole EU-population would be able to tell if the Atlantis Party, as by Global Scientific Authority is told, is their 95 percent democratic representative. Theresa May wants to preserve a non-competative, a non-democratic establishment representation in both UK and EU. For that she needs a one year Brexit-delay that do hinder the EU-citizens to make a democratic fair election that would verify the Atlantis Party as the 95 percent democratic representative. A tempting offer for 27 EU-memberstate leaders to accept a one year Brexit-delay in a try to remain as establishment representatives.

May, Corbyn and Tusk needs more time just to hide the fact that Atlantis Party already has decided and set the Brexit-treaty. (5/4 2019).

The Atlantis Party has the valid democratic mandate both for EU and UK. If there are some objections about that statement the populations must be asked. As a representative for both EU and UK the Atlantis Party did already the 16/3 set and decide that UK will enjoy the EEA-treaty. There is no democratic mandate to change that decision for anybody. May and Corbyn do not want an elections that confirms the Atlantis Party as the UK 95 percent democratic representative. Also not wanted for Mr Tusk and EU. The only thing left for May, Corbyn and Tusk is that they need time to fool the UK and EU populations they did agree and did have impact about what anyway will end up in the 16/3 Brexit-EEA-treaty. Nothing else is democratic valid. 

Will the Brittish accept to be betrayed by Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn? (3/4 2019).

The EEA-treaty is a fair, democratic and valid treaty runned for decades with Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein. Theresa May has all the way rejected the EEA-treaty and presented a unfair Brexit-treaty, an establishment treaty, that will minimize UK and EU establishment costs for Brexit but punish the UK-citizens for the result in the referendum. If that is not the case, she would have enjoyed the fair and valid EEA-treaty from the very first day. The Atlantis Party has since the 16/3 decided the EEA-treaty as the Brexit-traety. It is a fair, democratic and valid Brexit-treaty. EU-representatives and memberstate national leaders are fake democratic leaders as their representations are based on keeeping their citizens out of scientific knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. UK and Theresa May has the political position  that at any moment withdraw the EU and memberstate leaders their democratic mandate. Thats just by verifying the Mediterranean refill. Knowledge that the national leaders for years have known but chosen to fool their citizens. UK and itīs population has the political position to dictate a Brexit-treaty. Why Theresa May wants to involve Jeremy Corbyn is just in the purpose to remain as an establishment representative. The ambitions are to also let the main political alternatives betray the Brittish population. Theresa May and her party do want to reduce the political burdens as not the only ones that do betray the Brittish population.

Will the Brittish accept that Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk public do humiliate them? (2/4 2019).

The Europeans, Juncker and Tusk, do public humiliate the British parliament and David Cameron that did allow the Brittish population to decide if they did want to remain in EU. They democratic ambitions are stripped. There are not any if not benificial for the establishment. They have forgotten that their fake democratic positions are total dependent on the fact that they still scientific do fool 500 million Europeans. The valid democratic mandate belongs to the Atlantis Party. The democratic valid EEA-treaty is already since the 16/3 a decided and set valid Brexit-treaty. The Brittish parliament, can when ever they want, verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and withdraw Mr Juncker and Mr Tusk their fake mandates.

Atlantis Party, the UK-population 99 percent representative. (31/3 2019).

The Atlantis Party did already the 16/3 decide and set a fair Brexit treaty in accordance with the European Economic Area. The European establishment and Brittish establishment representatives have for more the 1000 days tried to make an unfair Brexit treaty that will make the Brittish popuplation to regret Brexit but still keeps Theresa May as a UK representative that has done her very best possible for UK. Without her efforts, establishment do say, there will be a hard Brexit with even much harder consequenses for the Brittish population. The Atlantis Party has proven been much more potent the Theresa May and the Brittish parliament to serve UK-population interests. The European Economic Area treaty is far better, democratic valid and since decades in work. The EU will not be able to set harder conditions for UK then set in the European Economic Area-treaty. That is far better the Theresa May and EU so far have offered the Brittish population. The Atlantis Party has proven to be a far better UK-population interests representative the The UK government and UK parliament. The Atlantis Party, would if democratic, free and fair elections, be the UK-population 99 percent democratic representative. If there are some objections we have to ask the Brittish.

European establishment in panik. ( 28/3 2019).

EU has hindered the Europeans access to science, knowledge and information in their ambition to hinder Global Scientific Authority outstanding scientific, religious and political impact. If the Europeans not are hindered, the democratic mandate for the Atlantis Party would be at least 95 percent. If there are some objections about that democratic mandate the Europeans must be given the opportunity to decide by them selves. Such a democratic risk will the European establishment not take. The only opportunity left is to scientific fool more then 500 million Europeans. The Europen national leaders will in April 29 give the EU mandate to Michael Barnier to negotiate with the Brittish government about the Brexit conditions. In reality there will be 27 national leaders without any democratic mandate at all. They will give their mandate to Michael Barnier to represent 27 individuals all with the political merit that they scientific have fooled their own populations. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do delegate to decide the menus during the meeting, nothing more. The British do since 16/3 2019 have a valid EEA-treaty.

European establishment in 1000 days strike. ( 26/3 2019).

EU has with Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein an EEA-treaty and also with Swizerland and Croatia with some modifications an EEA-treaty. For UK to adopt such a treaty the very first day after the Brexit-referendum would have been the logical solution if there had been some ambitions among the European establishment to follow the referendum. There was not. EU and GB establishment has since then been on strike, done nothing and used 1000 days in obstructions to hinder a fair Brexit-treaty just in the purpose to fail. The by Atlantis Party decided and set Brexit-treaty is to adopt the EEA-treaty that already is democratic valid. The EU and GB establisments have produced an unfair non-democratic Brexit-treaty just in the purpose to give non-acceptable conditions for GB to make Brexit fail.

Remainers do want a new referendum. (23/3 2019).

Media tells that about 100 000 people in London are demonstating for a new Brexit referendum. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, the most democratic representative for both EU and GB, do support a new referendum as there now since 16/3 is a valid Brexit, Norway look alike, treaty to consider. It is a democratic advantage if the GB-population with full scientific and treaty-knowledge do decide to support the treaty. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party will accept the result of the referendum on the conditions that the Brittish population do have full access to science, treaty-knowledge and what Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party has offered the humanity. So far they do not know and are by the establishment hindered.

Extended time for Brexit = extended time for establishment interests. (22/3 2019).

The by Global Scientific Authority decided and set Norwegian look alike Brexit-treaty is the most democratic, valid and a during 23 years adjustment a very convenient treaty for both Norway and EU. A very easy solution that since more then 1000 days has been able to adopt but not is done. The reason is that the only establishment ambitions in both EU and GB is to fail and give up the Brexit. The now decided extended time for GB is just in the purpose to force the British to accept an unfair deal or to give up Brexit. A Brexit with a fair deal similar as the Norwegian treaty would force in GB to the "suffering" group of nations together with Norway and Switzerland. They do have about 50 % higher BNP/capita then GB. For the EU establishment a total catastrophe if the EU citizens do see and understands that GB do much better without the EU establishment. The establishment ambitions is, if Brexit, to let GB have an unfair deal that hinders them to cath up to the Norwegian and Swiss economical standard. We will see if Theresa May, as an establishment representative, succeeds in her ambitions to get an parliament accept for a non-democratic, non-valid Brexit-treaty in the purpose to keep the majority of the British population at a low EU-standard and avoids the political, for establishment, risk to cath up to the standard in the " suffering" Norway and Switzerland.

Donald Tusk has accepted the by Atlantis Party decided and set Brexit-treaty. (20/3 2019).

Mr Donald Tusk has set foolish conditions for extended time to decide and set Brexit-treaty.  Extended time will just be accepted if the already rejected treaty  will be the Brexit-treaty. Conditions that makes an extention without any purpose at all. With such political skill we all do understand the difficulties behind the failours to make a Brexit-treaty. A desperate act to force the Brittish parliament to accept the establishment treaty. Fortunatly the Atlantis Party already has decided and set a democratic valid Brexit-treaty that will step in the 29/3. A Brittish treaty with EU, 99 % similar as the Norwegian, that during 23 years has been valid and adjusted to EU. Mr Tusk now gives the UK parliament the opportunity to accept the already rejected treaty or full political back up of the Atlantis Party decided and set Norwegian look alike treaty. Conditions that gives the Brittish parliament no other alternative then fully back up and adopt the Norwegian look alike treaty. For such a decision there is no need for an extended time.

Three month extension is not for a Brexit-treaty. (20/3 2019).

Theresa May has pleaded for a three month extenison for setting a Brexit-treaty. That is a Theresa May fake. There is already set a democratic valid Brexit-treaty much more convenient then Theresa May, representative for the GB establishment, and Jean-Claude Juncker representative for the EU establishment, are able to produce. The three month extension is just the time the European establishment needs to accept they do not longer have any impact on the Brexit process and that there already is a valid Brexit-treaty. All adjustments needed in trade etc can promt be set in action as the extension anyway will not have any democratic valid result then already, 16/3 2019,  decided and set.

 The valid Brexit-treaty. (16/3 2019)

Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party democratic mandate.

Global Scientific Authority political represented by the Atlantis Party People do have the democratic mandate both from the EU-citizens and the UK-citizens to decide and set a valid Brexit-treaty. If the EU and UK establishments have some objection they first have verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. Not before there can be a fair democratic election among the populations to decide, if or if not, the Atlantis Party democratic mandate is valid. So far the international establishment has prefered to keep the humainty out of knowledge about human civilistion most important and formative happening. Establishment has chosen to disqualfy them selves as democratic representatives only by the reason to avoid an election that anyway will end with the result of a total dominating democratic mandate for the Atlantis Party. Conclusion: Atlantis Party is the democratic representative for both the EU citizens and the UK citizens do decide and set at Brexit-treaty. Compare also before told.  Sweden and Turkey challenge.

The establishment obstructions to decide and set a Brexit-treaty.

The 23/6 2016 the UK referendum decided an UK withdrawel from EU. Both the UK establishment and EU establishment did not want a Brexit but accepted the referendum as they did belive it would kill the Brexit-supporters arguments. When the referendum wanted a Brexit there was a situation similar as a relationsship between two in love teenagers when the male parents decides to split their relation. The two in love did step forward to decide how their separation should be done but under conditions, that by both parents has to be accepted, with a fee payed for lost virginity. Can anybody give an example when such an organisation to handle a separation has given an agreement?  Probably not! The Brexit-negotiations do anyway prove it is a total foolish organisation. There has been 33 months of negotiations with two teenagers still in love that do not want to separate. All involved are mainly intrested in sorting out which of them to blame the most. The only thing everybody can agree about is that the teenagers do not want to separate. The teenagers strategy, ( EU and UK establishment,) is to obstruct and hinder an agreement, Brexit-treaty, until the male parents give up their objections.

Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do step in.

The Atlantis Party has the democratic mandate for both UK and EU, the political authority, the intellectual skill and most important, the a very distinct interests, to be seen as a guarantee for human values including democracy and independence. The citizens in UK and EU can with trust hand over the whole Brexit-process to the Atlantis Party and rely on the interests to do the very best for all citizens in both UK and EU.

A valid Brexit-treaty. 

The Atlantis Party do set the Norwegian relations with EU as a 99 percent adoptable valid treaty also for Brexit. With a 1630 km long border between Sweden (EU) and Norway, 23 years experiance in a political process, benificial for both parts, it must be hard to create a better and more democratic valid Brexit-treaty. One percent left opens for small adjustments. Especially as UK and EU have handed over the Brexit-process to teenage look alike organisation.


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