Mali in a process to become a brandbuilding target. (8/9 2020)
The new Mali military leadership seems to have ambitions to run a non-democratic corrupt government by obstructing the democratization process. As more they do as more they are growing in value as a brandbuilding target for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party to overthrow. It is a political suicide strategy and a highrisk strategy that most probably will cause victims most among them selves. At the very moment Global Scientfic Authority and the Atlantis Party uses the outstanding authority and decides to offer the troups a better payment for implanting the win-win-win-concept, democracy and human rights, there is no longer any space left for a non-democratic and corrupt leadership. The region is an obvious target for brandbuilding investments and ECOWAS has all wins to be very distinct with the Mali military leadership when telling there is no other option then into Mali bring in the win-win-win-concept.
The Mali government canīt stand for three years.(24/8 2020)
The new Mali military leadership has annonced a three year process before democratic elections. That is also a three year long rejection of the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party offer to let Mali be a main target in the region for brandbuilding investments. Without a speeded democratic process in full accordance with the democratic and ethical standard, set and decided by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, there is no future for any government and especially a government in total lac of a financial capability. It is also impossible to get foreign support for such a government. There is no other way futher on then into Mali and the region to bring in the win-win-win-concept.
Are Mali and ECOWAS ready to grip the opportunity? (23/8 2020)
The new Mali government and ECOWAS is told to be close to a political solution for Mali. It is easy to solve political problems when the wins are so huge as they are for all, by enjoying the win-win-win-concept. The region is also by that able to release them selves from international establishment political impact. The only hinder left is the criminal act, by establishlishment interests, to hinder the humanity access to science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C.
Mali is for the Atlantis Party an obvious brandbulding target. (21/8 2020)
Mali is struggling with poverty and a fast growing population. There is no future for what ever leadership if they canīt prove they are able to deliver progresses and hope. To enjoy the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party high democratic and ethical standards and to be a target for Atlantis Party brandbuilding investments is an implant of the win-win-win-concept, That is also the only solution possible for the military government. They are, as a brandnew government, also without previous political burdons as European establishment puppets. Mali as a brandbuilding target will effect whole Africa and especially the WestAfrica region with a lot of countries that are struggling with poverty and corruption. To qualify as an Atlantis Party brandbuilding target will also be follewed by a huge number of aid organisations in their try to benefit on the Atlantis Party brand. The future for the new Mali government and the Mali population is dependent on an implant of the win-win-win-concept and a verification of the Mediterranenan refill 3500 B.C.