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 Also the Norweigans are fooled to elect an illegal government and political representations.

The Atlantis Party and the Norwegians takes the lead in hindering global warming. (28/10 2021)

In fair democratic elections the Atlantis Party will be the 100 % representation in the Norwegian parliament, Stortinget, with high skilled expertice with the political and financial controle over the Norwegian oil-fund about 1400 billion USD for investments to hinder global warming. 1400 billion USD in investments that needs all back up from Norwegian industry and labour. Every earned USD in oil-fund is based on adding carbon to the athmosphere and it is very political appropriate that the oil-fund is destinated for investments to hinder global warming and destinated to Norwegian industry and labour. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do give the humanity, and especially the global youth, hope and confident to hinder global warming. 1400 billion USD added to the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party brandbuilding and to the role to be a global guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights.  

An illegal and non-democratic Norweigian parliament. (24/10 2021)

By illegal keeping the Norwegian population out of their human rights, access to science, knowledge and information, the Norwegians are fooled elect a non-democrativ representation, that would not have been, if there had been fair and correct democratic conditions. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do claim the 95 percent democratic mandate and are at any moment ready to, under fair democratic conditions, with access to science, kmnowledge and information, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C.  let the Norwegians in elections decide if the Atlantis Party claimed mandate is true or an overestimation. There are now 169 individulas in the Norwegian parliament, that none of them would have been, if there had been a fair and correct democratic election. Human rights and democracy were the first victims at the very moment the Socialdemocratic fundamentalists did understand them selves as not democratic competative.

 Democracy is based on access to science, knowledge and information. (22/10 2021)

By illegal keeping the Norwegian population out of science, knowledge and information, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C.  they have been fooled to elect Socialdemocratic fundamentalist representives and a Socialdemocratic illegal government. The Norweigian establishment close relations with the Swedish political and financial elite, added with an integrated media, the Norwegian establishment also have all information and access to the Atlantis Party outstanding political win-win-win-concept, Science, knowledge and information withdrawn the Norwegain population just by the same reason as the Swedish government and authorities do, the Socialdemocratic fundamentalist do understand them selves not democratic competative. Also Norway do now have an non-democratic, illegal and authoric government based on withdrawn human rights and democracy. Their new elected Primeminister, Jonas Ghar Store, is a very rich individual, has a history with him involved in corruption and for Socialdemocratic fundamentalism the ideal hypocritical Socialdemocratic leader. A ideal political puppet to represent the politcal and financial elite that to  the public says he is a labour representative.


Jonas Ghar Store.

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Carl Festin

Atlantis Party