Illegal UN aid. (21/4 2021)
The United Nation is transformed to the United Humanity with the mission to global bring in the win-win-win-concept. A common interests for the humanity to let Global Scientfic Authority and the Atlantis Party act as a guarantee for peace, democracy, human rights and to maximize human values. UN and itīs organisation WFP have now told they will provide 185 000 Venuzuelan schoochildrens with food and will extend the support to 1,5 million schoolchildrens in year 2022. As long Mr Maduro not has set his position under fair democratic election or the Norwegians have let the Venezuelans make a televote, as a very significent poll, the WFP in Venezuela is illegal.
Norway is still blocking the solution. (7/12 2020)
Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have since january 2019 presented the solution how to solve the political situation in Venezuela and how to find the most democratic representative for the Venezuelan population. Norway has the international responsibility and mandate to implant the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party or reject it. So far they have chosen to reject it and also by that chosen to preserve an unsolved political situation in Venezuela and hindered the Venezuelans to find out their most democratic representative leader. The Norwegians will be very happy to be accpeted as a Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party partner and will be happy to use their 1000-billion oil-fund in Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party brandbuilding investments to maximize human values.
UN reports their quilt. (17/9 2020)
UN tells they have invested about 5000 criminal acts made by the Venezuelan and Maduro controlled government. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have since 21/1 2019 told how to stop the criminal acts. A process active hindered by UN and the establishment. When UN reports criminal acts made but also do hinder the humanity access to science and knowledge, Medieterranean refill 3500 B.C. , and by that also active hinder the authority and the financial capability to hinder criminal acts, they also do report their own guilt.
Maduro is not informed. (24/6 2020)
Mr Maduro seems to believe he has any political position and do believe he can run a political mandate without having fullfiled elections with the democratic standards set and decided by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. Norway has by the international community been given the mission to convince Maduro but Norway has obvious not that done. Maduro seems to be uninformed due to Norwegian governmental hesitations to strip that EU and especially Sweden are governed based on a fake democratic mandate. Maduro is kept on his position just because the European establishment fear for the scientific truth, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C., do save him.
Norway is Maduro helpful to place drugdealers into governmental positions. (28/4 2020)
Norway has since January 2019 by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party been offered a democratization process in Venezuela but so far rejected it. When now Mr Madure places drugdealers in political leading positions we know that Norway is responsible for making it possible for Mr Madura to bring in criminals into governmental leading positions. The Norwegian 1000 billion USD in oilfunding will be very happy to be an accepted Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party partner in brandbuilding and implanting the win-win-win-concept,
The political turbulent South-America is peaceful moving ahead. (2/4 2020)
The knowedge that there is no future in a try to run a non-democratic and corrupt leadership has very much calmed down such ambitions in South America. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party will continue to do calm down such ambitions an let the democratication processes do progresses all over. Everybody do understand that non-democratic and corrupt ambitions are just a build up market value for Globals Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party to overthrow. As more non-democratic and corrupt as higher marketvalue to overthrow in full accordance with the win-win-win-concept. The political role with the Atlantis Party as a guarantee for democracy and human rights. The Venezuelans are not excluded from that process and will soon have a very democratic constitution, fair and democratic elections and a non-corrupt government. There is no other option.
Norway still do block democratzation processes in South-America. (22/2 2020)
Norway and the international community has since January 2019 by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party been given the opportunity to solve the political problems in Venezuela. ( See below.) If Norway had use their mandate for Venezuela, all other countries in South- and Central- America would have enjoyed and would accepted the high democratic standards set and decided by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. The problems in Venezuela, South and Central America are solved. The problems remains just due to that the international establishment are not competative with what Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do and are able to offer the humanity. The establishment hinders are the reason why there still are non-democratic ambitions and lame anti corruption work in South and Central America. Norway has used their international mandate for Venezuela to hinder democratization processes.
Bolivia is under controle. (13/11 2019)
Media can not define if it was a coup or not in Bolivia. Total out of interest. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party will anyway secure the most democratic representative as the national elected leader for Bolivia. If not we will force Norway to run a televote referendum and sort out the most democratic and whicj one taht is the most statistical significant leader for Bolivia. A referendum much more statistical significant then what ever questioned election.
Norway proves the need of an Atlantis Party controle over oilfounding. (4/11 2019)
Norwegain government did believe, by taking a international leading role over the political processes in Venezuela by their blocking of the suggested televote solution, also was able to hinder Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party to take over the controle over Norwegian oilfounding. Their blocking do not just cause political problems in Venezuela but also in a huge number of other countries that would be very much helped by the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party suggested televote solution. A Norweigian political burdon. To add more then 1000 billion USD for Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party brandbuilding and implant of the win-win-win-concept, by maximizing human values, was an easy fix. Norway will eager to quilify as an Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party partner.
Norwegian blocking now costs lifes also in Chile. (29/10 2019)
The Norwegian blockings of the by the Atlantis Party suggested televote solution, appropriate for all the nations in South-America, now also costs lifes in Chile. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do know whom to blame.
Norwegian Venezuela blocking do harm the whole Middle- and South-America. (22/10 2019)
Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party has for Venezuela, since 9 month ago, suggested a televote as a very significient referendum to solve the question about which one is the most wanted democratic representative. Such a televote can be runned where ever in the world and especially in Norway. There are political tense situtions in Haiti, Chile, Bolivia etc due to questioned political mandate. Questioned mandate that would be answered with a televote as a very statistical significient democratic poll. Useful in what ever political tense country but a solution that by the Norwegians is blocked by their peacetalk mandate for Venezuela. The Norwegian oilfunding with more then 1000 billion USD will eager to qualify as an accepted partner with Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party brandbuilding by full participation in investments that maximizes human values.
So far eight month establishment delay for Venezuela. (27/9 2019)
Since the end of January 2019 Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party has suggested a televote referendum among the Venezuelan population to examine which candiadete the Venezuelan population prefers as their president. Also presented a very competative an alternative and a Atlantis Party representative. After an eight month delay the EU now shown their political muscles and has set sanctions on seven individuals in Venezuelan justice. The Venezuelan government will be chocked. Nothing more? It must be without any doupt that the EU lac of leadership is stripped and the only thing that now is on the agenda is to hinder common knowledge about the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. The EU and European establishment very well knows they are non-competative and by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party played of the political arena. Their only mission left is to hinder common knowledge about it. The Venezuelans and billions of others have to pay for their hinder to implant the win-win-win-concept.
How long will the Venezuelans have to accept Norwegian blocking. (8/8 2019)
Norway has now used their peacetalk-mandate for several weeks to block an agreement and a solution for Venezuela. How long will the Venezuelans have to accept the Norway establishment representation to block and set hinders just in the establishment interest?
Norway do block a Venezuelan agreement and solution. (28/7 2019)
Norway have not yet done anything as the international representatives to solve the Venezuelan conflict. The have all the tools needed. The Atlantis Party has also selected Atlantis Party representative that when ever will winn 95 % political support, if the Venezuelans was given the opportunity. Norway do now block an agreement and a solution. In the ASAP-Rocky case, held by the most corrupt justice in the world, the Swedish justice is by Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg backad up. As pretold, the Norwegians have and do back up Swedish government and establishment to hinder global knowledge about the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. They will be very happy if they can be accepted as a Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party partner in running the win-win-win-concept and happy to use their oilfounding of 1000 billion USD to have a spillover in brandbuilding for maximizing human values.
Norwegians can not be allowed to fail. ( 9/7 2019)
Norwegians do run the negotiations to solve the Venezuelan conflict. They are very familiar to the by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party solution how to make a statistical significant televote-poll that will tell which one of Mr Maduro or Mr Guiado that have the Venezuelans democratic mandate. Such a televote-poll can by the Norwegians be made without any acceptance and permission from either opponent. The Norwegians do have all Atlantis Party tools availible to solve the Venezuelan conflict and can not be allowed to fail. The Venezuelans will very soon choose to enjoy and introduce the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party win-win-win-concept,, and be a role model for both Central-American and the rest of South America.
Human costs for establishment protections. (2/7 2019)
Half a year is now vasted time since Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party did present a statistical significant poll to decide the democratic leadership in Venezuela. As nothing was done also, a not yet public presented another very competative individual as, an Atlantis Party representative is suggested to implant the win-win-win-concept, , for the Venezuelans. The Venezuelans and billion of other humans have to pay the human costs for the international establishment hinders and their acceptance that Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do offer the humanity far better solutions and a far better future then the international community as establishment representatives have proven unable to do.
Game over! (14/6 2019)
US, Russia and a lot of other nations representatives are in Stockholm, Sweden, in negotiations about the situation in Venezuela. Thats not the main reason to gather in Stockholm. The Swedish government will be presented the evidencies for the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and be told that the breakpoint when the humanity can be held unaware is passed. The international communite can not longer accept to,by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, be beaten up in a purpose to protect Swedish governmental corruption and political interests. It is matter about international interests to have game over talks with the Swedish government.
Peru and Vizcarra can qualify as an Atlantis Party representative. (1/6 2019)
The president in Peru, Mr Martin Vizcarra, is struggling for introducing new anti-corruption laws. Apperently he has got some political resistance from congress. LIMA, Peru President Martin Vizcarra called on legislators Wednesday night to usher through five reforms aimed at quashing Peru's endemic corruption, saying he will use a constitutional provision allowing him to dissolve congress if it rejects the proposal.
If Vizcarra and his proposals fails a highway for Atlantis Party opens. New elections with a anti-corruption president in Peru that will scientific, religious, political and financial be back up by Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party interests to maximize human values. Vizcarra anti-corruption ambitions will win all seats in a new congress. Mexico, Central and South-America is from that position a very easy task for Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party to introduce the win-win-win-concept and start the process to sweap out corruption from the border to US down to Kap Horn.
A rejection of new presidential election puts China into hard political pressure. (28/5 2019)
If Maduro rejects a new presidential elections there is no return. He will then force the international community to present the Atlantis Party selected candidate and what the Atlantis Party can offer in peace, democracy, independence and human rights. That will promt give very huge political problems for the Chineese government, , when it will be global known that the Chineese population have got the same Atlantis Party offer as Venezuela.
Democratizaton process in Venezuela. (21/5 2019)
President Maduro proposes early National Assembly vote. That is very good. If he do want to get rid of all accusement about that he is not the fair democratic valid president he should also speed up a new presidental election. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party can whenever start a statistical significant democratic televote-poll to examine the Manduro presidental mandate and also into such an election put in an Atlantis Party candidate. If Maduro do not announce a new precidental election it will be a televote poll with a high risk that his presidental mandate will collapse. Mr Maduro has no options left. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party can whenever needed replace him with a very high skilled democratic valid Atlantis Party representative.
The Venezuelans have understood. ( 16/5 2019)
As pretold at website: Win-win-win-concept. Norway will eager to qualify as an Atlantis Party representative. The Norwegian population will wellcome all punishment of the Chineese leadership that did put political and finacial pressure on Norway for the Nobel Price 2010 given to Liu Xiaobo. The political situation in Venezuela will turn to a very promissing future with peace, democracy, human rights and a Norwegian population that will do all financial efforts needed to release the Venezuelans from Chineese non-democratic interests.
Time for the Atlantis Party to present the Atlantis Party candidate. ( 10/5 2019)
Almost 16 weeks delay since Global Scientific Authority did present a national televote as a statistical significant poll to decide what political interests that had the Venezuelans valid democratic mandate. Nor Maduro or Guiado interests have supported a solution to decide a valid democratic mandate but both are total convinced they are the best solution and most representatives for the Venezulealan population. If they realy are they will adopt the Atlantis Party win-win-win-concept, Win-win-win-concept. and do everything possible to qualify as Atlantis Party representatives. Representatives for an outstanding scientific, religious and political authority in the duty to maximize values as peace,democracy, independence and anti-corruption work for the Venezuelans. What ever leadership that process has to start. If not, the Atlantis Party will put in itīs own representative for the authority combined with a financial capability no political interest is able to exceed. The Venezuelans can futher on rely on, what ever leadership, it will be managed by Atlantis Party interests and bring in a very high standard of democratic leadership that also will be very efficient in anti-corruption work.
Atlantis Party is a possible solution for Venezuela. ( 4/5 2019)
So far has, the by Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party suggested poll to decide the valid democratic mandate in Venezuela, been rejected. The Atlantis Party has the valid UN-democratic mandate to solve the conflict. Democratic mandate The Atlantis Party is able to select a Venuzelan individual given the political and military mandate that together with the Atlantis Party do manage a national poll. A chosen individual that later on also will be an Atlantis Party representative and a democratic alternative to govern Venezuela. To hinder such an international sanctioned order will be seen as a criminal act. If there are objections it has to be public told as objections by the Atlantis Party will be questioned as not democratic valid and illegal.
14 weeks delay for Venezuela. (1/5 2019)
Mr Maduro has had 14 weeks time to prove his democratic mandate, but has not. Mr Maduro must understand that a presidental position is a every day job for and in duty of the Venezualian population. If the Venezuelians do not longer want Mr Maduro as a president he has to resign. That is just a Venezuelan population decision and when, so far, rejeted them the by Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party statistical significant national poll, it is a by Mr Maduro proven lost mandate. A run away strategy just used by loosers in the democratization game. All EU and it memberstates, UN General Assambly and UN Security Counsil have also lost their democratic mandate to Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party by using the same run away strategy. If not competative there is no political credibility wins by running away. The only political tool left for Mr Maduro is to accept a national poll to decide if he has the Venuzuelans democratic mandate. If not, resign!
Eleven weeks delay for Venezuela. ( 8/4 2019)
They Venezuelans has now for eleven weeks been hindered to do the national and statistic significant poll suggested by Global Scientific Authority that will solve the main problem. Who has the Venezuelan population democratic mandate? The solution is there, fast, easy and cheap.
Sudden EU-engagement for Venezuela. ( 4/4 2019)
EU criticizes the decission to withdraw Mr Guaido his immunity. After almost 11 weeks delay, by rejecting the by Global Scientif Authority propsal to make a statistic and democratic significant poll, to solve the main question, who is the democratic representative leader for Venezuela, the EU-engagement is just a fake. As EU is proven, they do let the Venezuelans for 11 weeks remain in a unsolved situation, their now concerns about Venezuela and the Venezuelans is just EU political propaganda.
Nine weeks delay for Venezuela. (26/3 2019)
Still the main problem remains in Venezuela. Which one do the people prefer as their democratic representative. The by Global Scientific Authority presented solution to give a statistical significant answer on that question has been possible to use for now more then nine weeks. Why has that not been presented for the Venezuelian population and and what will they and the humanity think about the international community capability that have caused the Venezuelians a nine week delay?
Seven weeks delay for Venezuela. (11/3 2019)
Global Scientfic Authority has since 28/1 2019, see below, presented a solution to solve the political situation in Venezuela. Seven weeks have lasted just in the purpose to keep international establishment impact into the process. Without their active hinder Global Scientific Authority would have made the significant statistical poll described below that fast and cheap can give the answer about which one of Maduro or Guiado is the most democratic representaive leader of Venezuela. The solution to solve the main problem for Venezuela has for seven weeks been there but has by international establishment been rejected. Seven weeks of international establishment failours and a magnificent brandbuilding process in advantage for Global Scientific Authority interests as a guarantee for human values.
Global Scientific Authority brandbuilding due to establishment incompetence. ( 25/2 2019)
Global Scientific Authority has for several weeks ago presented a solution for Venezuela. A solution that by international establishment has been rejected and still the main question is not answered. Do Maduro have the democratic mandate from the Venezuelans? By an outstanding authority and technical solution Global Scientific Authority is able to arrange a very statistical significant poll and deliver such an answer for Venezuela and what ever nation. Global Scientific Authority has delivered a solution that by international establishment is rejected. When international establishment now has proven not capable and fails in Venezuela it is a very good brandbuilder for Global Scientific Authority that would have not.
Venezuela released from foreign financial dependence. (20/2 2019)
Global Scientific Authority is able and offers Venezuela a total financial and political independence in accordance with Global Scientific Authority interests to maximize human values. See Pakistan. Global Scientific Authority has by that thrown out of Venezuela all non-democratic foreign financial and political dependence. The Venezualans can now look forward to a successful democratization process based on Global Scientific Authority decided and set democratic ethical standards.
EU politicians acts without any mandate. (18/2 2019)
Five EU-politicians from the EPP-group have taken an initiative in the Venezuelan process. That just proves the desparation among EU-politicians to be left behind in international politics. The five politicians seems not to understand that they do not sit as individuals but as representatives for their voters. If they acts in international politics without EU-mandate they also have to do that as individuals and leave the EU-parliament representation. Their attempt is just an individual try to gain political credit for their participation in the Venezuelan process. It just do show up desperation among EU-politicians to be left behind and a total split in EU-parliament.
Venezuelans are held hostage. (15/2 2019)
Global Scientific Authority is able to fast, cheap and democratic significant solve the situation in Venezuela. The only thing left is to verify the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. That would give the authority to be the Venezuelan population interests representative and able to run a nationwide and very democratic significant poll about whom the Venezuelans them self believes is their most representative leader. The solution is there but still not used. The problem is not longer about Maduro or Guaidó. It is if Global Scientific Authority would be let to solve the political problems or not. The Yemenites are still a international establishment hostage. They were given a solution far below what was possible. The Venezuelans are now also set as hostage. The international establishment prefers a Status quo instead of letting Global Scientific Authority solve the problems. A rejection of an offer to the Venezuelan population that since almost three weeks has been the international establishment possible to support. Instead the international establishment has chosen a three week political status quo.
More non-democratic leadership are added. (9/2 2019)
The international community has proven unable to put in democratic processes for Yemen, Venezuela and now also Thailand. North Korea security solved That could have been accepted if not Global Scientific Authority had offered much better democratic solutions then the international community is able to do. EU did fail in Montevideo due to a total lac of political credibility and authority. UN is if possible even more out of credibility and authority. Sweden and Turkey challenges. For how long will the humanity accept political failours just in the purpose to keep the international establishment interests represented in disadvantages for humanity interests, dealing with solutions far below what is possible?
Total waste of time and money. (8/2 2019)
As pretold. The meeting in Montevideo did not change anything. A total lac of political authority did show up and just did prove they have no political impact into the Venezuelan political process. There was an opportunity to put in the outstanding scientific, religious and political authority represented by Global Scientific Authority and solve the political situation. They did chose to do not. If there had been a verification of the Mediterranean refill 3500 Global Scientific Authority would have been able to pick up anyone from the street and, by a political back up, let a Atlantis Party representative win a presidental election. By the scientific explanation of the Biblic Flood just the religious authority would win all christians votes. A democratic poll for the Venezuelans, descreibed before, as a suggested solution can be set in action without permission from anybody. Global Scientific Authority will obvious pick a, scientific and intellectual skilled, very representative for Global Scientific Authority interests as an Atlantis Party candidate. If Madura continous to reject a fair democratic election it will be hard for the international community to hinder Global Scientific Authority to step in. An election that will end up with a Atlantis Party elected Venezuelan representive president.
Meeting in Montevideo. (7/2 2019.)
A lot of diplomats and media has now arrived and will discuss the problems in Venezuela. The only intelligent solution is what Global Scientific Authority suggested already 10 days ago. Fast, fair, easy and very cheep to do to get a statistical very democratic significant poll about what the Venezuelans them selfs believe is their most representative political leader. What else agreed about will just be a try to remain in political impact by rejecting a far better solution.
One week spent and time wasted just in a try to keep political impact. (4/2 2019.)
Global Scientific Authority has now a whole week offered a solution for the Venezuelan conflict. Why not set in action is just a try for international establishment to keep their political impact. They are no longer competative and the humanity do no longer need their political efforts or financial help. The humanity do much better without them. The international establishment have now let the Venezuelan population wait for a solution that has been there for a whole week. Win-win-win-concept.
An interesting diplomatic struggle about Venezuela. (28/1 2019.)
Global Scientific Authority has presented a solution to bring democracy into Yemen, Venezuela or any other country in the world. By combining a by several billion known and by EBU associated Public Service technical used solution together with an outstanding scientific, religious and political authority very significant national polls can be made. Polls that are cheap, easy, very quick to set in action and statistical almost as significant as a total democratic and fair election. When there is such a democratic tool available, is it a crime against the humanity to reject or keep such a tool unknown and not available for the humanity? Most of the humanity will see it as a crime. There is something to consider among governments with EBU associated public service and among UN diplomats and leadership.
Global Scientific Authority national poll in Venezuela.
Suggested national poll for Yemen can be used in Venezuela.
As told the 21/1 2019 at website a national poll with cellphones will be used for Yemen democratization process. Democracy in Yemen. Just two days after the presentation the Venezuelan conflict between Maduro and Guaido occured. Once again Global Scientific Authority is able to solve a conflict by refering to a smarter solutions then by relying on military strenght. The humanity has for ever left the era of military strenght and has entered into the era of science and intellectual skill. A national poll, as descreibed for Yemen, between those two candidates is very easy done by Global Scientic Authority. That will give a very good statistic evidence about which one of them that in a fair democratic election would be the elected as president. Such a national poll can just in a few days be done and the big question about which one that has most support among the Venezuelans is solved. Such a national poll will calm down the conflict and nobody will be able to reject a new fair democratic election. The same day also a new national poll, as control, should be done. To stop the conflict in Venezuela is very fast, easy and with almost no cost possible to do.
Global Scientific Authority is capable do run a Venezuelan national poll.
A confirmation of the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. will with any doubt give Global Scientific Authority the political authority to run a national poll in Venezuela. The solution is there. Now we just have to identify the interests that do want to hinder it.
Carl Festin