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 The Atlantis Party brandbuilding money are humanity assets.

Summery: 850 billion USD + annual added 96 billion USD + 1400 billion USD + 400 billion Euro + 750 billion Euro + 20 000 Euro is the Atlantis Party financial brandbuilding capability for investments to maximize human values.

The Atlantis Party enormous brandbuilding asset. (17/12 2024)

Westworld socialdemocratic fundamentlism was warned, see below, that cooperative companies and organisations all assets will be confiscated and nationalized. Probably all military suppliers in the westworld have delived to the conflict in Ukraine and given the Atlantis Party the political legitimity to nationalize all westworld military industry. It is very good for the humanity and essential for global peace that financial and political elite, i.e socialdemocratic fundamentalism, are withdrawn the opportunity to financial gain on war and conflicts. The westworld military industry, all other cooperative companies and organisations all assets, will be handed over to their populations and has to be seen as Atlantis Party brandbuilding assets.    

Illegal financial cooperation with terrorism. (20/2 2022)

The US and European socialdemocratic fundamenatlists do just represent a very tiny political and financial elite and by keeping their populations out of human rights, access to science, knowledge and information, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C, also have dropped democracy, just by the reason they do understand them selves not democratic competative. The US and European leaderships are non-democratic, illegal, authoric, hostile and aggressive and total without any legal democratic mandate. A mandate that in correct and fair democratic elections, to 95 percent, belongs to the Atlantis Party. Socialdemocratic fundamentalism has by missmanagement of the pandemic tried to gain political and the financial elite has, so far, gained enormous. It is payback time and when Mrs Kamala Harris tells she will also drag in the financial elit into terrorism, If Russia and Putin makes a military intervention into Ukraine, the political legal motives to nationalize the US and European financial institutions are there. An enormous added brandbuilding asset to the Atlantis Party and Mr Putin for the mission to reinstall human rights and democracy into US and Europe.

G-20 leaders are adding to the Atlantis Party brandbuilding. (31/10 2021)

The G-20 leaders have decided a 15 percent global lowest taxing-level for multinationell companies. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do claim the 95 percent global democratic mandate and do welcome the taxes as another added brandbuilding asset for maximizing human values. 

 The win-win-win-concept maximizes human values. (17/9 2021)

Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party role in the win-win-win-concept, based on the copyright, is to be a global guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights. Interests that do not accept the Atlantis Party high democratic standards will not get access to copyright. Copyright that for all science, religions and political interests futher on will be needed for what ever credibility. For the guarantee the humanity in average will have to voluntary pay one USD/ month and global individual. A fee on media that needs access to copyright for their credibility. Now annual about 7,9 billion x 12 = 95 billion USD. Money that has to be invested, and will be invested ,where they best builds the brand to motivate the voluntary fee. That means in investments that maximizes human values and obviously will be in regions that are in most need. A process and political solution for several years offered the humanity but by the Swedish government and authorities illegal active have hindered. By that also the whole humanity active hindered, their rights for access to science, knowledge and information, Mediterranena refill 3500 B.C Active hindered by Swedish socialdemocratic fundamentalists just by the reason they do understand them selves as not democratic competative.

Brandbuilding assets. 850 Billion USD on Swedish state. (17/9 2021)

The Swedish government and authorities illegal and active hinders daily adds and accumulates Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party revenue losses. The accumulated losses are almost 700 billion USD that are transformed to Atlantis Party claims on the Swedish nation. Copyright is a individual asset the Sweden has to pay or to be withdrawn about 100 more years revenue from copyright, about 9500 billion USD. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have for several years eagered to act as a global guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights and use the revenue in investments for maximizing human values. Active hindered by the Swedish government and authorties just by the reason they do understand them selves as not democratic competative. 

1400 billion USD Norwegian oil fund an Atlantis Party brandbuilding asset. (19/9 2021)

Swedish-Norwegian establishment and media are both very close tightened to each other and both are well informed about the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. and itīs political capability to serve the humanity. Norway has during over 2 years had the mission to solve the Venezuelan conflict but instead of accepting Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party offer to solve it, they have chosen to just block a solution and by that also blocked solutions of a lot of other conflicts in South America. During the last month their former socialdemocratic primeminister, Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of NATO, has let the Afghanistan population fall into talibanism. He and the Norwegian establishment have dishonnered the Norwegian population by, as the Swedish government and establishment, illegal kept their populations and the humanity out of science, knowledge and information just by the reason they do understand socialdemocratic fundamentalism not democratic competative. The dishonnered Norwegian Nation and population will eager to be an accepted partner and brandbuilder to Global Scientic Authority and the Atlantis Party as a global guarantee for peace, democracy and human rights. Their 1400 billion USD Norwegian oilfund is also the very best suited fund destinated to maximize human values just by investments for hindering global warming.

Over 400 billion Euro, an Atlantis Party brandbuilding asset for Dieselgate compensations. (24/9 2021)

The VW-group had to pay US very much for compensation in dieselgate. The Europeans and other world have hardly got nothing by the reason the VW-group and itīs ownerers have huge political impact in EU, where especially Germany and Austria united represents the VW-group main owners interests. In US the VW-group has a very tiny marketshare and was able to pay a high compensation for each sold car. For the same compensation for each sold car in Europe it would be a compensation about 400 billion Euro and global about 500 billion Euro. It is without any doupt that the three and total dominant main-owners, did know and accept the emission fraud, and should solidaric pay the global compensation. The three main owners are the Posche-Pięch families, the Qatar royal family and Bundesland Niedersachsen. To run their interests in EU they now have to rely on the Pizza-gang political impact. Conclusion: Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do claim the 95 % global democratic mandate and will make the three main owners to pay full compensation to be invested to maximize human values for the VW-group emission-fraud.

How dare You! (28/9 2021)

Greta Thunberg did ask the pizza-gang the question, "How dare You." The most adequate question is " Why donīt You dare to tell the scientific truth." The scientific truth is to tell about the Mediteranenan refill 3500 B.C. and confirm the 95 percent Atlantis Party global democratic mandate. The pizza-gang do not have any political or financial mandate at all. Their only ambitions are to illegal keep the humanity out of science, knowledge and information and continue to fool the humanity they have a mandate. The EU-recovery fund is decided by representatives without any democratic mandate. It will not by the Atlantis Party be questioned but every singel Euro-cent will be destinated for Atlantis Party brandbuilding to maximize human values. Well suited for such a mission is the FFF and Greta Thunberg. The EU 750 billion Euro recovery fund will be renamed as The Greta Thunberg climate fund. The global youth can futher on drop much of their frustrations and start to act as they by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party as brandbuilding representatives are given both a huge political impact and a financial capability to hinder global warming. 

20 000 billion Euro pandemic claims on China. (1/10 2021)

The global costs for the Chineese government virus drop is by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party estimated to about 20000 billion Euro. That are claims the will be set on China. As the Chineese population is not responsible the 20 000 billion claims will be destinated for investments to hinder global warming in China if the population is able to overturn the non-democratic leadership. If Chineese police and military forces do try to preserve the non-democratic leadership the claims has to be payed to the outside world and there for investemenst to hinder global warming. As the international establishment, similar as the Chineese leadership, has tried to gain on the pandemic, the only political interest able to set claims on China is Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do add 20 000 billion brandbuilding Euro for investments to hinder global warming. 

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Carl Festin

Atlantis Party