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 Pope Francis and Christianity takes the lead. 

European establishment preserves an Iran nuclear threat. (8/4 2021)

Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party have the scientific, religious and political authority total superior to the leadership in the Islamic Republic of Iran. To preserve any religious credibility for their Islamic based leadership, they are total dependent on adoptinging the scientific breakthrue, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C.  into Islam. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party will not let any non-democratic fundamentalistic leadership  dishonner the Islamic religion and the prophet Mohammad. The Atlantis Party will make the non-democratic leaders credibility of the Islamic Republican of Iran, collapse. At the very moment the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C is verified, the Rouhani gang also will be withdrawn all their credibility and their leadership will be all over. Obvious at the very same moment also the Iran nuclear threat. A threat the European establishment, representing socialdemocratic fundamentaslism, have chosen to preserve by keeping the humanity out of their human rights, access to science and knowledge. The European establishment and the Biden adminstration do preserve their fake political leadership and a nuclear threat by accepting an Iran non-democratic leadership. The Iran government and all global islamic fundamentalism have their best allied in the European establishment and Biden administration. On a fake mandates, based on a global withdrawel of human rights, access to science and knowledge, Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C. they are allied with non-democratic leadership in Iran, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Venezuela etc. To prove that it was essential to let the Biden adminstration and EU, yesterday, 7/4 2021, fail in the negotiations to hinder Iran in their nuclear ambitions.

Pope Francis visit in Iraq. (8/3 2021)

It is no secret that the Vatican State and the Pope are informed about that the Mediterranean refill 3500 B.C.  is the scientific explanation of the Biblic food. That the Mediterranean refill is the common origin for Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the main argue, initial told, for the peaceprocess in the Middle-East. What ever political interest in the region that do intrigue based on different religions and culture can not gain any impact and support as Global Scintific Authority and the Atlantis Party is able to tell the scientific truth. What ever killing and destruction is partly a reduction of knowledge, culture and origin of their common historic background. The conclusion is that there is no future in trying to gain political and financial by intriguing, based on different religions and culture, in the Middle-East region. Attempts that are seen challanges to Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party intersts to guarantee peace. Challanges that will end up for what ever attempt and interest into a total defeat and disaster. Pope Francis and the Christianity have by the visit in Iraq announced they do rely on the Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party guarantees and can take an active role in the peaceprocesses. Pope Francis and the Christianity have by the Iraq visit also told the humanity they have taken the step into the era of science and intellctual skill where different religions not longer are a reason for conflicts. Different knowledges and different culture do contribute to the scientific explanation about their common origin. All religous leaders will futher on have to accept that they all are dependent on access to Global Scientific Authority and Atlantis Party copyright. Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party do have the outstanding authority and the finacial capability to secure the peaceprocesses and based on guarantee, as long inside the democratic and ethical standard decided and set by Global Scientific Authority and the Atlantis Party, there are open arenas for religions and their very long traditional roles to participate in the peaceprocess and build up of the by wars suffering Middle-East.

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Carl Festin